A Higher Vision for the Future

A solution to Jihad's writing prompt on Farcaster.


Being a new and non-technical user on Farcaster, I usually play the sidelines as I scroll cast after cast, trying to gain a better understanding of an on-chain platform so intimidating, yet, so profoundly great! I still haven’t quite found my place in all of it, but the more I observe, learn, engage, and follow different people, channels, and communities, the more I believe I have found my tribe and new web3/social media home—a place where my thoughts, ideas, and aspirations are not only encouraged but often, celebrated and handsomely rewarded.

This couldn’t have come at a better time, as I’ve recently transitioned from a worldly life that no longer serves me, to a more fulfilling one anchored in love, hope, truth, and self-discovery. This pivot was the absolute best thing for me; however, it has not come free of charge. I still feel the guilt of walking away from all I have ever known, and when my heart isn’t feeling heavy, remnants of lingering depression somehow manage to keep a firm grip on me most days—well …up until earlier this week.

Like many, I saw Jihad’s writing prompt and instantly became inspired. I too, firmly believe we all have a responsibility to do our part to leave this world better than how we occupied it—and it all starts with having a conversation.

I humbly give my 2 cents.

"Describe A Higher Vision for the Future"

First and foremost, it is impossible to envision the future without first reflecting on the past, so without further ado:

In the beginning…

None of us arrived on Earth by mere accident or coincidence. Long before we were ever formed in our mother’s womb, we were “known” by and wonderfully created by The Creator Himself –with His perfect image in mind.

So, by default, we're built to win and have been winning since long before taking our first breath the day we were born.

In our earliest moment of conception, we beat millions to reach the fertilize-the-egg-first finish line; a testament to the greatness embedded in us.

And if we can achieve something so supernaturally great independently, and without conscious thought –then collectively, with intentionality, there is no limit as to how ↑ we can go together for generations to come.

Sadly though, I have noticed our behavior(s) today as a society does not reflect the truth of our innate winning nature.

So, where exactly did we lose our way?

With evolution, the mind of mankind has become extremely complex and corrupt. Man is overstimulated and has become heavily influenced by negativity and toxic worldly views that continue to give rise to a distorted image of self and others –and as a result, he has seemingly lost sight of what it means to be human. For mankind to overcome such wickedness, he must desire a higher vision; one that requires him to return to simplicity and basic principles rooted in love.

Why love?

In the narcissistic, power-obsessed world we live in today, many tend to forget love is the most powerful force on the planet. It transcends race, age, gender, disability, and socioeconomic status. Translucent and formless as it may be, it is still perfectly seen as it consumes everything. It not only brings us together, but it completes us and makes us “whole” –and stronger, as One. When we lack love —fear, division, distraction, confusion, and misunderstandings run rampant –as evidenced by many current worldly events today. But when we are filled with love, we innately pour into others in ways that perpetuate the lasting effects of “wholeness.” And when we are whole—ego, greed, envy, insecurity, and hate have no room to exist. Instead, what remains in us is an overflow of gratitude, kindness, abundance, and service to others that, by default—advances the greater good of humanity.

As I mentioned earlier, if when we reach this inner “higher self” we become limitless in how far ↑ we can go collectively...

..Because we are inherently, perfectly, crafted winners.

How do we reach our highest self?

Today, mankind is constantly judged, ridiculed, criticized, and canceled for the slightest offense. His peers weaponize his weaknesses, and his mistakes overshadow his contributions and achievements. When he falls short, he is not met with grace. Instead, clouds of guilt and shame follow him wherever he goes, and such overcasts inevitably hinder the cultivation of confidence needed to pursue greatness. This corrupt psyche and lifestyle of the masses suggest overall, mankind is broken; therefore, the higher vision and path to "higher self" is to build "man" back up, making him “whole” again.

When man is whole mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically –everything else in the physical world naturally follows.

How do we build man back up?

As I've stated before, it all starts with love.

And before mankind can love anyone or anything else, he must first love himself.

Self-love requires self-awareness, accountability, and willingness to change.

When man intentionally pursues these basic principles his mind becomes sound, and his heart, pure. He's compassionate, forgiving, patient, and understanding of others. He does not boast nor brag. He does not criticize or critique. He lives a purpose-driven life fueled by the betterment of others. He is so consumed with this higher vision that there is no room left for distraction. Operating in his highest self, he has ultimately "won."

But if you recall, mankind has always been a winner ...since the beginning.

Sometimes, he just needs a little reminder to love himself.

This one is for me.


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