DAO Thoughts & Learnings 23/12

3 things I learned about DAOs this week

Auto vote extension: In Arbitrum’s governance process, voting usually last 14 days. However, if quorum is reached within the last 2 days, the voting period will be extended by 48 hours from the time the quorum was reached. This mechanism makes it difficult, if not impossible, to execute governance attacks that submit large, last-minute votes to pass proposals that otherwise would not have passed.

AI as DAO discussion facilitator: Most DAOs rely on forum discussions to reach consensus amongst members. In theory, one could use the open forum data to build DAO specific large language models. These could then guide members toward compromise and consensus, by structuring arguments, providing expert input, and identifying common ground.

Reflection Periods: Optimism’s Token House uses ~3 months seasons to structure their voting cycles. Each season is followed by a reflection period where the Optimism Foundation, together with delegates and community members, collects feedback and ideas to update and improve their governance process. Improvement proposals that originate in the reflection period are voted upon in a special voting cycle right after the reflection period.

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