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SPL Governance Glossary

Solana Program Library Governance Terms


Approval Threshold: The minimum level of support required for a proposal to be considered approved and implemented within the governance system.

Asset Type Agnostic: A term describing a system or protocol that is not specific to any particular type of asset, making it adaptable to various token types and structures.


Community Mint: The process of creating new community tokens, typically governed by predefined rules and criteria set by the community.

Community Mint Max Vote Weight Source: An attribute defining the maximum vote weight source for community minting within the governance structure.

Community Token: A type of token within the governance system that represents the community's voting power and influence in decision-making processes.

Community Token Holding: The aggregate amount of community tokens held by the participants in the governance system.

Community Token Threshold Percentage: The minimum percentage of community tokens required for a proposal to be considered valid or for a specific action to be executed.

Community Vote Tipping: A mechanism where a proposal can be accepted or rejected based on a specific threshold percentage of community votes.

Council: A group of individuals or entities within the governance structure that holds decision-making power and authority over certain aspects of the system.

Council Mint: The process of creating new council tokens, typically governed by predefined rules and criteria set by the council.

Council Token: A type of token within the governance system that represents the council's voting power and influence in decision-making processes.

Council Token Holding: The aggregate amount of council tokens held by the members of the council in the governance system.

Council Vote Threshold Percentage: The minimum percentage of council votes required for a proposal to be considered valid or for a specific action to be executed.

Custom Governance Structure: A governance structure where a custom program ID is added to define specific rules and criteria for decision-making.


Deposit Exempt Proposal Count: The number of proposals that are exempt from requiring a deposit within the governance system.

Disabled Community Token: A community token that has been disabled, removing its voting and managing power for token owners.

Disabled Council Token: A council token that has been disabled, removing its voting and managing power for council members.

Defeated State: The outcome of a proposal that did not meet the required approval threshold and, as a result, was not implemented.


Governance Attack: An attempt to manipulate or compromise the governance system to achieve malicious objectives.

Governance Power: The overall influence and decision-making authority held by an individual or entity within the governance system.

Governance Structure: The framework and rules governing decision-making processes within a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) or governance system.


Initial Vote Weight Multiplier: A multiplier applied to the initial vote weight of tokens in the governance system, influencing their impact on decision-making.


Locked Deposits: Funds or tokens that are temporarily locked as a deposit for participating in governance actions or proposals.

Locked with Clawback: A type of locked token that may be subject to a clawback mechanism, allowing the recovery of tokens under certain conditions.


Max Voting Time: The maximum duration allowed for a voting period on a proposal within the governance system.

Maximum Voter Weight: The highest level of voting influence a participant can have in the governance system.

Membership Community Token: A community token that cannot be traded or transferred, but membership can be revoked by the DAO.

Min Community Tokens to Create Governance: The minimum number of community tokens required to initiate the creation of a governance system.

Min Community Tokens to Create a Proposal: The minimum number of community tokens required to create and submit a proposal within the governance system.

Min Council Tokens to Create a Proposal: The minimum number of council tokens required to create and submit a proposal within the governance system.

Min Instruction Holdup Time: The minimum duration for which instructions related to governance actions must be held before being executed.

Mint Governance Account: An account responsible for managing the minting of new tokens within the governance system.

Multi Token Governance Structures: Governance structures that involve the management and decision-making of multiple tokens.


NFT Voting Plugin: A plugin enabling voting based on ownership and weighting of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) within the governance system.


Owner: The individual or entity holding ownership rights and control over certain aspects of the governance system.


ProgramGovernance Account: An account responsible for managing the governance-related functions and processes of a program.

ProgramGovernance(PDA): A Program Derived Address (PDA) associated with governance functions within a program.

Proposal: A formal suggestion or plan submitted for consideration within the governance system.

Proposal Cool-off Time: The duration during which new proposals cannot be submitted after a previous proposal has been processed.

ProposalInstruction: An instruction associated with a proposal, defining specific actions to be taken if the proposal is approved.

Pubkey: A public key associated with an individual or entity within the governance system.

Realm (PDA): A Program Derived Address (PDA) associated with a realm within the governance structure.


Signatories: Individuals or entities authorized to sign or endorse specific actions within the governance system.

Succeeded State: The outcome of a proposal that successfully met the required approval threshold and was implemented.

Supply Fraction: A method for determining the maximum voter weight based on a fraction of the token supply.


Token Accounts: Accounts associated with specific tokens within the governance system.

Token Escrows: Temporary holding of tokens in escrow for specific governance actions or proposals.

Token Governance Account: An account responsible for managing governance-related functions and processes related to a specific token.

Token Locking: The process of temporarily locking tokens for a specific duration within the governance system.

Tokens: Units of value within the governance system, representing ownership and voting power.

Treasury: A pool of funds or tokens held within the governance system for specific purposes.

Treasury Balance: The total amount of funds or tokens currently held in the treasury.


Upgrade Authority: An authority responsible for approving upgrades or changes to the governance system.

Use Community Voter Weight Add-in: A mechanism allowing the inclusion of community voter weight in governance decisions.

Use Max Community Voter Weight Add-in: A mechanism allowing the use of the maximum community voter weight in governance decisions.


Vested Daily: A token lockup type where tokens are released daily at a linear rate until the end of the lockup duration.

Vested Monthly: A token lockup type where tokens are released monthly at a linear rate until the end of the lockup duration.

Vesting: The process of gradually releasing locked tokens over time based on predefined schedules.

Voting Dynamics: The patterns and behaviors observed in the voting processes within the governance system.

Voting Weight: The influence or power of a participant's vote within the governance system.

Vote Weight Plugin: A plugin influencing the weight of votes cast by participants in the governance system.

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