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On Distributed FRI-based Proof Generation

这篇博客讨论了分布式基于 FRI 的 SNARK 证明生成方案。方案将不同子多项式的证明过程分配到不同的证明者上,利用这些子多项式都符合低阶多项式检查的特性来组合它们,减少了计算和通信开销。

zkVM Testing Report: Evaluating Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machines for Nescience

RISC ZERO: Introducing Steel 1.0

WHIR: Reed–Solomon Proximity Testing with Super-Fast Verification

WHIR 既是里德-所罗门编码的 IOPP,也是多线性多项式承诺方案(PCS),并在所有此类方案中实现了最快的验证速度,甚至包括具有可信设置的单变量 PCS。 它在保持基于哈希方案的最先进参数大小和验证器哈希复杂度的同时,只需要透明设置并保证后量子安全。

Succinct Ships: Optimized bn254 & bls12-381 Precompiles in SP1

WE-KZG: Encrypt to KZG.

Introducing xOS: The Provable Exchange

The universal ZK settlement layer that makes any exchange Provable. xOS leverages @RiscZero's ZK prover with @CelestiaOrg underneath to prove off-chain transactions on-chain.

Zero Knowledge Summit 12 - LIVESTREAM

The Potential of OP_CAT for BTC - Using CAT20 as an Example

Why You Should Pay Attention to RC-STARKs by Omer@Ingonyama

This article provides a friendly exposition to the new paper: “Really Complex Codes with Application to STARKs” by @Yuval_Domb

Without Permission, With Programmable Cryptography

Odyssey: A testnet OP Stack rollup aimed at enabling experimentation of bleeding edge Ethereum Research.

Barycentric Interpolation

Barycentric interpolation is a variant of Lagrange polynomial interpolation that is fast and stable. It deserves to be known as the standard method of polynomial interpolation.

Circuitscan: submit/browse verified Circom circuits

The Impact of Quantum Computing on the Security of zk-Proofs: Approaches to Post-Quantum Cryptography


circom 2.2.0 introduces a new feature called signal buses.

The MuSig2 module has been merged into libsecp256k1.

Minimal Course on PCS in Python

Aztec: Road to Mainnet


Ethereum's ZK & Formal Verification Endgame with Alexander Hicks

Nexus: beta release of the Nexus network

the first distributed zkVM prover network openly accessible to anyone – is now live


The Uber-Knowledge Assumption: A Bridge to the AGM

Special Soundness in the Random Oracle Model

Special Soundness Revisited

Capybara and Tsubaki: Verifiable Random Functions from Group Actions and Isogenies

WHIR: Reed–Solomon Proximity Testing with Super-Fast Verification

Basefold in the List Decoding Regime

"It's a great week for Basefold! First, WHIR combines Basefold and STIR to yield an efficient multilinearPCS with the best of both constructions. Next, this work proves the size of Basefold-FRI is equal to the size of traditional univariate FRI 🎉" [Hadas Zeilberger@idocryptography]

MPC-in-the-Head Framework without Repetition and its Applications to the Lattice-based Cryptography

DART: Distributed argument of knowledge for rough terrains

DeepFold: Efficient Multilinear Polynomial Commitment from Reed-Solomon Code and Its Application to Zero-knowledge Proofs

Boosting SNARKs and Rate-1 Barrier in Arguments of Knowledge

Nebula: Efficient read-write memory and switchboard circuits for folding schemes

NeutronNova: Folding everything that reduces to zero-check

Blaze: Fast SNARKs from Interleaved RAA Codes

Structure-Preserving Compressing Primitives: Vector Commitments, Accumulators and Applications

Really Complex Codes with Application to STARKs

Faster Proofs and VRFs from Isogenies

Lollipops of pairing-friendly elliptic curves for composition of proof systems

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