ZTalent Interview #5: Hurric4n3Ike

Spotlight on Hurric4n3Ike from Houston

This month, we're excited to feature Hurric4n3Ike, a standout member of our community whose passion for music continues to inspire and energize us all. As the project manager of WaveWarz, Hurric4n3Ike has played a pivotal role in driving innovative projects that resonate deeply within our community. Join us as we delve into his musical journey, creative process, and more through a series of questions posed by fellow artists and friends.

Davyd: What is the music you listen to start the day?
Hurric4n3ike: Haha sup D, it depends really. Sometimes meditation music sometimes whatever song I ABUSED the day before, no music, or the latest song I been workin on with fresh ears.

Davyd: Who are your biggest musical influences?
Hurric4n3Ike: The era when I fell in love with music most was in college bumping The Weeknd, Drake, Travis Scott etc🌊

Davyd: If you could make a song that is outside of your influences, what genre would it be?
Hurric4n3Ike: Definitely rock, like a smooth rock though, rock’s vibey

Daniel Obuté: What year did you start making music?
Hurric4n3Ike: When I was -0 years old tapping on my Mom’s belly 😂

Daniel Obuté: What’s your most listened to song right now?
Hurric4n3Ike: The latest song I’m working on 🌊💎🌊

Daniel Obuté: How is your creation process like?
Hurric4n3Ike: I’ll usually hear a song that inspires me and then I’ll make a beat in a similar vibe then record, mix & master(so many times) until it sounds like sumn I like haha.

Candy Toy Box: What would be your dream music video?
Hurric4n3Ike: MostWavez -> the concept being me playing secret agent Hurric4n3 saving a damsel in destress on a yacht. The victory scene being me driving a jetski with her arms wrapped around me as we escape and the yacht explodes behind us, slow motion of course

Candy Toy Box: Have you ever experienced a time when you were sick of music or burned out, and how did you get through it?
Hurric4n3Ike: Absolutely, when I was forcing myself to put out a song every week. I learned a lot, but I did end up releasing some songs that weren’t finished that still piss me off to this day because I KNOW what I could have fixed Lmao. But after that I just started taking more time with my music

Candy Toy Box: Do you have songs that bring you back to a specific time in your life? Do you have songs you don't listen to because they get you back to that period?
Hurric4n3Ike: EVERY SONG IS NOSTALGIC AF. But there is none I never listen to. I believe there’s a lesson to be learned from every experience no matter how bsd.

Tej: What's the message you're trying to get to the world through your music?
Hurric4n3Ike: Most of my music are affirmations or manifestations to myself. So if anyone wants to hypnotically empower themselves all they gotta do is listen or sing along

Tej: What inspires you the most to make music?
Hurric4n3Ike: The process, it’s just fun Af bringing in new ideas from the ether that are meant to be communicated through my spirit. Every human is here to create unique things to make the world better and music definitely does that for me

Tej: What are you building/what are your interests outside making music?
Hurric4n3Ike: Through my journey of making music I discovered my love for entrepreneurship. Creating businesses that serves others brings a joy that nothing else can compare to. This is why I build WaveWarz and every other business. I LOVE the game of entrepreneurship because it provides the clearest mirror to one’s capabilities as a human being. The more I level up as a human the more my business or any business I’m apart of levels up as well

Ohnahji B: How do you see technology shaping the future of music, both in terms of creation and distribution?
Hurric4n3Ike: Sheesh, Trynna break my typing fingers with this one lmao. SO MANY WAYS haha. Being a musician for this many years has helped me to spot TONS of holes that could be plugged with fresh innovation and as long as I’m alive and well I will do my best to implement these ideas so that when I die I leave the music industry in a better state than I came into it. I truly believe music moves the WORLD, it is frequency. So when we create novel and efficient ways to create and distribute it we can raise up the true voices of the people and shape our world in truth rather than illusion.

Ohnahji B: How do you feel about competition and battles in music, even escalating to the beef level?
Hurric4n3Ike: I love it tbh. I’ve played sports all my life and the concept of WINNING always gave me extra drive to prepare and succeed. I used to HATE when I played youth soccer and they would say (oh no we don’t count the score) lmao (I counted in my head) I just think healthy competition has the capacity to bring the best out of humans and we can even witness this EVERYWHERE in nature itself. The strongest, most well adapted will always survive constantly redefining excellence and moving all of existence forward.

We are grateful to Hurric4n3ike not only for his remarkable contributions as a musician but also for his visionary leadership in planning and managing WaveWarz. His creativity and dedication have been integral to the success of our projects, and his influence is felt deeply within our community.

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