I'm All About That Base, No Treble | Issue #65

Gramajo’s Corner


This week a brutal one for me. I don’t personally like my birthday and I think it is rooted in my childhood, I didn’t have much growing up in terms of physical things. My parents tried super hard and I don’t blame them for this, but I know that it was challenging around holidays and birthdays so I never asked for anything. Of course, I cannot bring this attitude with my daughter but I am hoping I get better. On top of me going around the sun one more time, my whole family got sick this week and it was a struggle all week in recovering, working and juggling it all. Anyways, enough of that sappy stuff.

In case you missed it, I dropped a new artist feature, featuring Bastien. It was quite detailed and lengthy so give yourself an appropriate amount of time to read it. In terms of what is coming next, we are currently at the tail end of a zealy sprint with Macvynls ahead of Seattledog. I don’t think we will get an upset here so that should mean, Macvynls will win a Tiffatronnn NFT and Seattledog a copy of The Everything Token or Read Write Own (dealers choice). I’ll send another 0773H World Update next week covering Aprils shenanigan's and what is next content wise as April should be even busier as I have been talking to a bunch of people.

I’ve recently have gone pretty deep on $DEGEN the memecoin on Base that has been driving the tipping culture on Farcaster (not financial advice). This newsletter used to be called the Weekend Degen so I said what the hell, might as well accept my subscription in $DEGEN. So I launched a monthly option to pay in $DEGEN. If that is something that tickles your fancy, then here is the link. If you have no idea, what the hell I just said above, just know CIAHOAD or as Johann said DIAHOAD lol.

Lastly, my XCOPY tribute titled La Mosca (which means fly in Spanish) is still available on Base if anyone is interested. I took this shot with a macro lens when I saw a fly chilling on a cactus on a warm summer day over five years ago.


I personally use a 24 hour clock to make my life easier. I deal with computers and systems all day at work and it is way easier to make this switch for me than to try and explain to other abroad that 16h is 4pm. This also avoids issues with 10am..11am..12pm switch. Which brings me to my bit of knowledge I learned this week or I guess I never really thought about this deeply haha. But this blew my minds as we all celebrated the turn of the century in the year 2000 when really it should have been in 2001. And don’t feel bad if you didn’t know this, since even people really good at Jeopardy got this wrong haha.


Well XCOPY found a way to break the internet this past week. With over 1 million mints of his collab with Neonglitch86, titled Mutatio. From there a flurry of MUTATIO inspired pieces dropped on base which was pretty epic to see. Some things that stood out to me in this mania is Manifold made a decent chunk of change in fees (rightfully deserved) and also just the amount of liquidity going into Base, the L2 by Coinbase. You can see this based on this cast by Jesse, it took them over 6 months to get to $1B TVL, and less than 23 days to get to $2B TVL. Which is INSANE but also really easy to see when you think about $DEGEN, Farcaster and everything else going on there and it is not showing signs of slowing down. I just hope we can make it a bit more decentralized as that is ethos of this space but for now, I am okay betting my chips with Coinbase as a stock holder and degen.

Image embeds on cast

Some more Based news, Base announced that if you have an ERC20 token, as of the reading of this newsletter, you can now migrate your ERC20 token/contract to Base L2. Which is amazing news and one I mentioned in the XCOPY server as a great way to bring some energy back into $DOOM. Here is a demo by njoku on how this will work. With transactions costing a pennies now on L2, I suspect most DAO, voting, tokens will migrate to an L2. Purple DAO (a DAO focused on proliferating and expanding the Farcaster protocol) recently completed its migration to Base and should be resuming its auctions to join their ranks soon enough.

Speaking of $DEGEN earlier, March Madness tends to take offices by storm this time of a year and when I saw that you could use $DEGEN to make bets on winners all I could do is shake my head in approval. Personally, sports gambling or even gambling as a whole is not my thing, I prefer to lose my money like a true G by pressing a scammy link or chasing the hottest ordinal only to watch it drop in value after I buy. But if you are into sports gambling, then you might as well do it with crypto on L2 with a memecoin in my opinion. Nothing says true degen like betting with a token called $DEGEN haha. BTW they said more sports are coming and maybe, just maybe i’ll join why day because why not.


Rug Radio announced a new platform they are working on called Content+. If it is anything remotely close to what I think this can be that this is major news. I will use myself as an example. As a content creator, I currently create pieces of content on multiple platforms, Substack/Paragraphy for Newsletter, Podcast on all major platforms, Youtube for videos, Tiktok for shorts, Instagram for images, Discord, Twitter and Warpcast for other. Tracking to see who is consuming all this content is difficult for me. The data is all dispersed. Minting things onchain gives me some insight on to what people are liking or collecting on my end, but that is only part of the equation as not all want to mint. This announcement based on what I can see is trying to solve some of these issues, and if it isn’t looking at these issues and they are after something else, yall can holler at your boy if you really want to do a take over.


Gallery is tapping into the social graph of Farcaster and it is a genius move. One of the issues with current gallery creation tools if that once you create them, to find your friends gallery you have to go to their profile, click on a link or find their link to their gallery, the whole process is cumbersome and not really a great way to naturally discover galleries. By tapping into Farcaster, I can now easily see, find and discover new galleries from follows. A fantastic use case of the social graph and one I hope inspires other apps to follow.

Image embeds on cast

Pods.media have made it easier for those that consume podcast to become a curator by providing them an RSS feed of what they collect and listen to podcast wise. With so much media and podcast to consume, this should really help users find and discover new podcasts and episodes they never ever heard of because now everyone can become a curator with ease.

Courtyard has been improving the user experience on purchasing on their platform for a bit but these new changes from activity feed, stronger price filtering and grade certification checker (my fave) have me gassed. The team is also launching a Pokemon Vending Machine where you can try your luck at a rare card a day and if you pull a card you don’t like they will buy the card you just got back for a certain % automatically. Fantastic updates by team and ones that would make it really hard for me to go back and support web2 marketplaces since they would be lacking a ton of these functionalities.

Courtyard.io (@Courtyard_NFT) on X

DominikG dropped a new collection titled Astralympics 2024 which has 20 piece up for sale but they are all blind mints. So you will get a 1/1 at random. There are some really nice pieces so go check them out. As of the drop of this newsletter you should have about 24 hours left if you decide you want to buy one.

The Zealy.io word for this weeks read is, “mosca”. Make sure to get in on the fun and giveaways.

Notable Sales

The meme, the mascot and inspiration of $wif sold for 1,210,759ETH.


The Origin by Ryan Koopmans sold for 0.69BTC.


Echo by Jack Kaido sold for 4.86ETH.


Rabble41 by XCOPY sold for 10ETH.

Memento Mori #116 sold for 0.099BTC. Most including this because this collection is really nice to look at.



Things I am looking forward to.

Big fan of Ghostface Killah, and it looks like he is going to drop some new music as an NFT and specifically as an ordinal. I am intrigued and ready to see how this is done/achieved.

Someone recently found Lost Robbie 158 after being dormant for over 3 years and they listed it for 242ETH. Let us see if someone takes a bite at this Lost Robbie.

BlankEmbrace looks to be cooking something up. His latest drop on Zora was one I enjoyed and based on this image it looks like a similar style may be at play. We should have more details on this drop and the collab soon enough!

There is a new collection on Foundation I have to go check out when I have a bit more time. But this piece titled Bone Dry by Pascal is an absolute beauty. Just amazing work and composition.


ACK has a 24 hour auction of a physical Pale Blue Death. This physical piece can be tracked onchain (thanks to the help of yungwknd) without having the Pale Blue Skull from ACK. As someone who owns a coral print, I can confirm these are gorgeous to have in person.



I am a sucker for Air Max 95, and these are fire.


Meme Of The Week

This one hit too close to home during peak PFP season haha.



Have a great rest of your week!

CIAHOAD-Rick James

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