Smart Wallets Get Smarter | Issue #75

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Coinbase has been hard at this for a while but it finally happened. Coinbase dropped a new smart wallet that leverages passkeys and makes it easier to onboard more users. Other app providers are able to use this tech as well as Coinbase knows that to onboard the next billion users it needs wallets to become easier than what is is now to get started. What is super cool about this tech is that there is no specific app and if you use FaceID or some other method they offer, then technically you have your wallet with you everywhere regardless of the app/plugin etc. You can build one here.

Speaking of wallets, I recently learned that Telegram also has an embedded wallet. Telegram is a huge app outside the USA and close to 1 Billion people use it so it is no slouch in that regard. Now I have some concerns with privacy and more but on the face of it, it bodes well for our space with Telegram and Coinbase trying to onboard as many people as possible to crypto.

Robinhood has acquired Bitstamp. Robinhood revolutionized the stock market for normal people and this acquisition is an interesting one to me as they could do something similar now with Bitstamp. Robinhood has done crypto before but my guess acquiring Bitstamp gets them more customers and licenses to transact in crypto in other markets. Definitely keeping an eye on this one. who was recently featured on here for their drama of not being happy with Base. Is back on this newsletter as they announced they are working on developing an L3 chain. This now is the 3rd big token/brand to create an L3. So far we have DEGEN, HAM and now this. I really am curious how these L3s will fare in the long term and I am sure many are L1 purists but if there is one thing I have learned in this space is, don’t knock it till you try it.

Two new drops this past week that caught my attention were from C4rdinal and Yungwknd. C4rdinal dropped this dope piece called PUMP N DUMP. It is an OE selling for 0.0042 ETH which you can still buy. But it definitely had me rolling for a bit. Still waiting on the meat version. Yungwknd dropped a recently interesting concept that reminded me a ton of the piece XCOPY Right Click Share piece. Essentially this piece will be revealed pixel by pixel there are 1600 in total. I am hoping we can see the finished product soon.

On the Ordinal side of things, Gamma recently announced a mint pass for this summer. Gamma has been doing a great job of onboarding more artists and collectors to BTC NFTs these past 12 months and this pass could be an easy way for anyone thinking of dabbling into Ordinals to get some art (NFA).

Beyond The Arches

The Nook team (which is another popular Farcaster client) announced that they are no longer going to work on this client. Which started a long chain of conversations about building on top or adjacent to Farcaster. It sounds like the team is not going to build another Farcaster related tool until the user count goes up but regardless I am saddened and excited to see what else Slokh and team work on next.

Onchain music and audio has been getting bigger and bigger. And there aren’t many native ways to listen to all your minted audio. Spinamp tries to solve this issue by providing a dedicated solution to finding, curating and collecting audio NFTs. Spinamp recently announced a slew of new features and I for one am excited to try them out. If you have collected audio specific NFTs and wanted an easier way to consume them, this could be a solution worth trying.

You can now use Rounds on any Farcaster channel. Rounds is a great way to reward people casting or doing a certain action in a channel and glad it is now open to any channel to use. It is a really great platform and easy to use tool. The Nouns team is really doing some amazing work for Web3. Speaking of amazing work, you can now turn in your Nouns for 1M $NOUNS token. Essentially opening up fractionalized Noun ownership. If you reach 1M $NOUNS tokens you can trade it in for a Noun that was deposited by someone else.

It seems like more and more governments are moving certain parts of their infrastructure onchain. From the Vocdoni x Belarus partnership to now Sierra Leone permanent residency card being put on a new protocol called Sign Protocol. With the rise of Digital Nomads and visas catering to them, it appears the Sign Protocol team sees an opportunity to streamline some process.

Rob Sanchez who created Paybot which helps facilitates payments on Farcaster of many coins recently joined forces with another builder (defikaran.eth) to build I like the way that Paybot works and tradebot looks to pick up right where Paybot is in terms of functionality and usefulness. There are other apps that do that, but if you are anything like me, leaving Warpcast can be hard so having something inside the tool I use the most is helpful.

Raycast is an extremely powerful shortcut tool that makes it so you can take an action without ever leaving the comfort of what you are working on. And I wanted to highlight this Raycast action built by Stevedylandev.eth, that lets you cast straight from the Raycast app without leaving whatever it is you are working on. Really great work by Steve and have seen other users already using it.

Notable Sales

Sakura by Derech sold for 7.5 ETH. Derech is one of my favorite photographers in the space and this piece is absolutely gorgeous.

Grant Yun sold one of his Avant Arte drops “En Route” to the US Department of State as a part of the Art in Embassies series. An absolutely gorgeous piece the US Government picked up from Grant Yun.

Isolation by Skygolpe sold for 11.33 ETH or about 43k.

The Demons Lament by Sadboi sold for 0.869 ETH. Sadboi has been making great art for a bit now and this piece would be really nice printed.


ThankYouX recently sold The Sun Never Sees The Night which is a really cool concept of being both a physical and digital piece at the same time. We have seen artist create connected physicals with digital pieces but never like this. This piece is epic and maybe the start of seeing more artists doing hybrid pieces. What do you think?

Before we had NFT projects rugging us, LimeWire rugged at least a couple of computers from me. LimeWire is back and different now, but it looks like they are gearing up for onchain summer.

Farcards seems to have done really well with Farcaster so this project called Scoop got my attention based on the fact it is similar to Farcards but with more customization. Plus who doesn’t like some fun stickers on there card? Speaking of Farcards, they are still developing as well, dropping some new features. This is going to get spicy.

Gramajo’s Corner

Another week in the books. 28 weeks to go and about the halfway point to the year. Lets dive in.

The winner to my 1k giveaway was Ashoat.eth who is building Comm which is a privacy centric Discord competitor. Really glad the Grifter book will be making its way over to Ashoat and I plan to do more of these types of giveaways in the future

This week I am 95% done with the relaunch of onchain zealy alternative. Zealy was a great tool but required too much friction, you had to go to another site, click and enter codes. I am thankful for those that tried it especially Macvynls and Seattledog who really took it up a notch. This new version is powered by which will make it way easier since it is crypto native. Everything is tracked onchain and participation is automatic. For example, if you follow me on Farcaster you already have points assigned to your name/address. I will be using new this method moving forward, as I am working on spinning up rewards for non hypersub members. Go and check out the new board here.

In case you missed it, I dropped a new episode of the podcast with Monkeydlinks.eth who is working on Bcard. It is a short episode but one worth a listen as the flywheel for memecoins or even purpose driven coins is starting to heat up. You can listen to this episode on your favorite podcasting app or on pods. I recently also shared my schedule of content for the next 1.5 months. You can see the rest of the schedule for this month here. Next episode is with Dalek, which I am super excited to start teasing some videos this week and next as we approach the drop date.


I’ve been closely monitoring a situation regarding bot accounts and Farcaster. This is a super common issue in web2 apps so it doesn't surprise me if we get a bit of this behavior in Web3 or Farcaster. I’ve seen accounts get 50k new followers in a week or crazy numbers with mediocre content. The theory around these bot accounts being created on Farcaster is that $DEGEN entices people to do this or meme coin tipping. The DEGEN team has been hard at work to change how they reward allowances and it appears for now that the most recent changes is leading to less bot accounts existing or people giving up. I don’t think we will ever solve bot accounts as a whole but at least for now, for whatever reason they are leaving Farcaster per ilemi.


Foamposite slippers? Not sure where I sit on these. I don’t really hate them, but not sure I am in love with them. May need to try these and they might just grow on me.

I know, I know. Legos again? But this Lamborghini Countach aka the Wolf On Wall Street whip is pretty awesome.

Meme Of The Week

After getting super bullish on DAOs again, this one by Kenny has me rolling haha.


Have a great rest of your week!

CIAHOAD-Rick James

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