Welcome to 6529Complaints nGMi ; Yes, that's how we all great each other and all community members (and non members) are referenced to as Complainnnooo...
Pre-ReadPlease feel free to read our other articles to get the context and concept of ‘The Complaint Cards.’ and our previous drops.https://mirror.xy...
n(gm)i ComplainnnooorrrrsApparently n(gm)i is the new gm in the complainnnooorrr world. Why you ask ? Just because…..February - The Complaint MonthWe...
Pre-ReadPlease feel free to read our other articles to get the context and concept of ‘The Complaint Cards.’https://mirror.xyz/rememes.6529complaints...
Pre-ReadIf you haven’t read the following two articles, we highly recommend reading them to understand the context.https://mirror.xyz/rememes.6529com...
Pre-ReadIf you haven’t read the following three articles, we highly recommend reading them to understand the context.https://mirror.xyz/rememes.6529c...
What are complaint cards?As eluded in our genesis article, complaint cards are at the center of building the ‘Complaint Meme/Rememe Ecosystem.’The co...
HistoryWe don't think that there exists any human being who has never complained about something or the other. Along the same veins in our belov...
We are here for the memes, fun and all Web3 complaints.
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