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Mailchimp User Clicks Link in Email – Points Integration Guide

Absinthe Network

Rewarding your users for engaging with your Mailchimp campaign emails just got easier. By setting up points issuance for link clicks in your emails, you can increase engagement and incentivize users through seamless integration with Zapier and Absinthe’s API.


This guide walks you through automatically awarding points to users when they click links in your Mailchimp campaign emails. By using Zapier as the middleman, you’ll set up a trigger that listens for the "Link Clicked" event in Mailchimp, then issues points via Absinthe’s API.

Step-by-Step Integration Setup

1. Create a New Zap in Zapier

  • Log into your Zapier account and select “Create Zap” to start the process.

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2. Select Mailchimp as the Trigger App

  • Search for "Mailchimp" in the app selection menu and select it as your trigger app.

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3. Choose the ‘Link Clicked’ Event

  • From Mailchimp’s event options, select "Link Clicked" to track user engagement through email link clicks.

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4. Connect Your Mailchimp Account

  • If you haven't connected Mailchimp to Zapier, you’ll need to authorize access. Follow the prompts to complete the authorization.

5. Select Your Mailchimp Campaign

  • Choose the Mailchimp campaign you want to monitor for link clicks. This is where points will be awarded based on engagement.

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6. Test the Mailchimp Trigger

  • To test, send yourself a Mailchimp email with the link you want to track. Zapier will look for a recent link click to verify the trigger. If successful, proceed to the next step.

7. Add Absinthe as the Action App

  • For the action, search for and select “Absinthe” from the app library. (Contact us if you need an invite link for Absinthe’s Zapier Action.)

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8. Set Up ‘Give Points’ as the Action Event

  • In Absinthe’s setup, select "Give Points" as the action event to trigger points issuance.

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9. Connect Absinthe Account

  • When prompted, connect your Absinthe account by entering your Absinthe API key. Click “Continue to Absinthe” to finish.

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10. Register the Event in Absinthe’s GraphQL Playground

  • Open Absinthe’s GraphQL Playground here.

  • Register the event name for which you’ll issue points. Use the query provided below, adding your event details.
    Register Event Query

 mutation RegisterOffChainEvent {
    insert_points_config_registered_events_one(object: {event_name: "my_points_event", 
      description: "This is a sample points event."}) {
  • Important: Save the returned UUID for this event, as you’ll need to enter this UUID in Zapier’s “EVENT UUID” field.

Register Event Authorisation

    "Authorization": "Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>"

11. Set Up Action Input Data in Zapier

  • Under “Configure,” set the Account Type to "EMAIL" and select "Email" from the dropdown in the Account ID field.

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12. Finalize and Publish

  • Click “Test” in the bottom right to verify your setup, then select “Publish” to activate your Zap.

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Optional: Advanced Customization

  • For deeper customization options, refer to our advanced guides on using custom JavaScript.

Here is a Loom helping you walk through each step!

By following this guide, you can create a smooth integration between off-chain email events and Absinthe’s points system, automating rewards for user engagement in your Mailchimp campaigns.

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