GM Farcaster FAQ

Everything you need to know about this sufficiently decentralized morning news show

Dear Friends - In honor of recording the 25th GM Farcaster episode on November 15, I decided to put together this FAQ to answer all your burning questions about the number one (and only), official unofficial, morning news show about Farcaster. If you have a question not answered here, leave a comment or DM on Farcaster. xx, Adrienne

What is GM Farcaster?

GM Farcaster is a 21 minute morning news show, live streamed three times a week, with co-hosts @NounishProf and me, where we give you all the latest news happening across the Farcaster protocol.

Why is it 21 minutes long?

Prof once read it takes 21 minutes to drink a cup of coffee. So, what better way to start your day than to get a coffee and join us. 21 minutes is just long enough to cover major announcements and launches and to explain the latest memes, and not too long that you can't make time for it.

When is it on?

Our typical schedule is Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 8:30 AM - 8:51 AM EST. If one or both of us have conflicts, we'll either change our schedule or bring in a guest host, like we did for episode 3 with Ivy and episode 6 with ChrisCoCreated.

Register on the event page to be notified of any schedule updates, and follow @NounishProf and me, @Adrienne on Farcaster.

How do I watch it?

There are several ways to watch or listen to the show:

  • As an NFT: Episodes are available to watch or collect from the GM Farcaster Zora page

  • As a Podcast: Episodes are available as a podcast on Spotify and Apple, and we'll be adding more platforms in the future.

  • Live stream: The best experience, of course, is joining us for the live stream on Nounish Prof's unlonely channel. There's something magical about being live together. The live chat feature is especially fun.

Why do you call it a morning news show? It's not morning for me.

Yeah, we get it. We're a global community and not everyone is in the same timezone. Prof and I are both in EST timezone so it's morning for us. Our audience is global so if you need to call it a nightly news show, or an afternoon news show, we're OK with that.

Is there really that much going on in Farcaster that you can stream three times a week?



Yes. In just the past few weeks we've had mole, wowow, boosts, warps, q/dau, permissionless, purpleversary, farcaster fall, and more. And this is all with under 5,000 DAU. Imagine how much more there will be to talk about when we hit 50,000 DAU, and then 500,000 DAU, and then 5,000,0000 DAU.

What tech stack are you using?

We use google meet for the video conference, OBS (open source broadcaster software) for screencasting and livestreaming, to host the live stream and chat with our audience, zora to mint all recorded episodes as collectable NFTs, spotify for video podcast hosting and RSS distribution.

Why do you call it sufficiently decentralized?

GM Farcaster is an experiment in new media, leveraging as much open source, decentralized, permissionless tools as possible. When available we're choosing to use crypto native apps like and zora.

We're passionate about decentralization and permissionless innovation. No one asked us to start a news show, and no one needed to give us permission.

Our vision for GM Farcaster is to open source a toolkit or playbook so other passionate Farcasters around the world can host their own shows.

How can I help?

Help us get the word out by sharing GM Farcaster with your friends. Join a live stream or listen to a recording. Rate the podcast or leave a review. And lastly but most importantly, give us feedback about how we can improve.

Do you have Proof of Fun?

Pictures don't lie.

Purpleversery Episode 16
Halloween episode 18
Is that a costume change?! Halloween episode 18
wowow Episode 22 during Farcaster Fall
wowow continues Episode 24

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