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Mack Minutes - Issue #2

Summer updates: mountains, adventures & art

So I'm back for a few days between mountaineering camps...

"Wait, like summer camp?"

Yeah, you read that right. Like the coolest summer camp for adults who love type II (and a little type III) fun, all together in some of the most remote and beautiful Canadian mountain ranges with zero cell signal for weeks at a time.

Every day without fail, one of the docs at camp would ask, "Alex, how's it going today?"

Every day my answer was the same:

"livin' the dream".

^^^ apologies I lost my voice in the mountains 😅


As discussed in the "Welcome to Mack Minutes" issue, each of these will start with a TLDR for the neurodivergent / ADHD compadres. So here's the scoop:


I'm currently between weeks working with the Alpine Club of Canada's General Mountaineering Camp, based out of the Remillard range in British Columbia. Last week I worked as the coordinator, this week I return as the photographer (!!). Absolutely thrilled with the career change right now 😉

From the summit of Serendipity Spire last week. Giga rad climb. V v happy Alex.


Following next week's GMC I'm on a hiking / backcountry trip through the Rockies. Revisiting some of my favourite places which are arguably some of the most beautiful and coveted in Canada. And it's no surprise I have about 50 pounds of camera gear packed lol.

Soaking up the sun at Lake O'Hara in 2021.


I've been announced as one of the Season 1 artists for Devil x Detail 😈

Beyond stoked on this! Designing "wearable art" at the intersection of apparel and technology. This is the first apparel series I've ever had the opportunity to create and love everything that DxD is about. The most recent drop by Juice Bruns is INSANE and I cannot wait to show you all what's coming. More details to be released later this month.

"Based Frames" on Zora. This series of 35mm frames from the Canadian mountains will continue when I return. The upcoming edition will be 3 / 12 monthly drops that will take place over course of the year.

"Where's the Extended Version?"

Skipping it this time as I'm about to head out the door and make my 7-hour journey to our staging location! I'm sure I'll have more long-format musings and writings when I'm back in one place.

Bu in the meantime, if you're curious to find out more about the mountaineering camp, I made a short series of reels that you might find interesting:

Come with me to Mountaineering Camp

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Art Bytes

Here's a roundup of currently available art [physical and digital]:

SEKOIA 🦋 Physical Video Print

Limited edition video print, in collaboration with SHILLR and Infinite Objects:


Three 1/1 photographs. No list price. Open to offers.

FLUTTER 🦋 (6/10 remain)

Edition of 10, 0.04 ETH. Mixed media: watercolour, 35mm film & digital animation.


1/1 watercolour photograph, in Flannel Collective’s “From Thought to Form” Exhibition. List price 0.69 ETH, minted in March 2023. Open to offers.

LONG GONE 🦋🌹 (7/20 remain)

Edition of 20, 0.69 SOL. Mixed media: watercolour, 35mm film & digital animation.

Wow you made it to the end! You rock.

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