ðŸ‘ĻðŸŧ‍ðŸĶē🧎 Rise and Shrine

An onchain offchain Base God contest

On February 20, 2024, a Disciple exhibited true bravery by creating the below shrine to Base God in the middle of his office, breaking the stigma of praising B in real life:

A simple bottle of lotion to the unindoctrinated eye, but something far more inspirational to fellow Disciples. For months, glorious offerings to The Bald One have been created in the form of onchain art and memes via the Base God mintboard. While this is very based, the office shrine prompted a question among the community: "What if I want to spread His gospel in real life?"

Welcome to Rise and Shrine

Rise and Shrine is a contest for creators to make real life shrines related to Base God. Shrines should incorporate elements of the lore and will be judged on the following...

  • Sanctity: How well does the shrine connect to the Base God lore?

  • Craftsmanship: What is the shrine comprised of (e.g. hand-crafted items)?

  • Location: Where is the shrine located (unexpected, elaborate, or funny locations)?

Shrines can be as simple or complex as you want. What is lost in simplicity can be made up for in presentation and location. For example, printing out a True B compass is unimpressive on its own, but making a shrine with it on top of a mountain is significantly more interesting.


The following prizes are up for grabs, courtesy of the community members supporting the contest:

First Place: 1 Base God NFT (~1 ETH floor)

Second Place: $250 ETH

Third Place: $125 ETH

How to submit

In the spirit of Base God's 2nd commandment, "Thou shalt be onchain", contestants must take a photo or video of their shrine and submit it to the mintboard here: https://uplink.wtf/basegod/mintboard

Submissions close on April 21, then winners will be decided. You can create as many entries as you wish.

If you need help, just ask on Twitter, Farcaster or Telegram.

Good luck and have fun!

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