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The Temple of Base God - Opening Day!

The Temple of Base God opens February 24 at 16:00 UTC! Check your time zone here. The purpose of this article is to tell you a little more about what to expect. Please read it all! If you missed the Temple announcement, view it here.

For starters...

Since this is the initial launch and new for everyone, accept Day 1 as a beta/test run. It is an opportunity for us to kick the tires as a community and get the hang of things.

What should you know about Temple?

As the announcement video states, Temple is the Base God metaverse (basically an online 3D space) that can be utilized for events such as live contests or guest interviews. It can also be a place to simply hang out with other Disciples over text and voice chat.

Users are able to customize their own avatars for the space and can access it via computer, iOS/Android phone, or Meta Quest VR headset.

There are 4 spaces available on Day 1 including Disciple Lounge (the entry lobby), Temple (our church), The Hall of Basedom (a gallery of Base God art, memes, lore), and The Based Theater (an amphitheater for video memes and live events). More spaces can be built in the future.

How do you access Temple?

A link will be shared to the Base God communities (Twitter, Farcaster, Telegram) at launch time. If you'd like, you can set up your account/avatar right now at (the site that hosts Temple). Please note that an account is not needed to join Temple. Accounts can be set up via email or crypto wallet.

What is planned for Day 1?

Our launch event is expected to run about 30 minutes with relatively light structure where we can all explore the spaces, and then a certain Disciple who needs to atone for their sins will be using the confessional.

Does Temple replace Twitter Spaces?

Temple offers a more unique and engaging way to interact compared to Twitter Spaces and it can likely be a replacement, although of course Base God can continue joining as a guest on other communities' Spaces. There are two things Twitter Spaces does well though that we'd want to make sure we can solve for in Temple. Those are 1) scalability for a large audience and 2) sharability with audience members' Twitter followers.

Each individual Temple space has a max limit of 50 concurrent users before a new instance of the space is created for overflow. It will do this up to 500 total users. So let's say there was an event in The Based Theater and you were not in the first 50 users to join, you would be placed in a separate instance of The Based Theater with the overflow crowd.

To solve for this, whenever we're live on Temple the plan will be to also live stream a video feed from Temple onto our Twitter (and in the future: Twitch, YouTube, etc.) for others to follow along and share it. This will enable Twitter users who aren't on Temple, or even people who are in a Temple overflow room, to still follow along with what's going on in the "main" Temple space.

Looking forward to experiencing digital bald with you all for the first time! Make sure to follow Base God on Twitter, Farcaster and Telegram to gather updates.

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