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BentoBatch Introduction

Discover the pioneering On-Chain experience with BentoBatch!


What is BentoBatch?

Bento Batch is an Intent Marketplace which allow users to explore, share, build, and run the best Intents.

Every transaction on the blockchain implies the user's intent. Bento Batch can package users' intents into a unique executable component called "Batch," allowing you to execute others' intents and benefit from them.

Batch's characteristics allow users to curate their outstanding ideas, whether they are DeFi strategies, trading methods, or any on-chain actions. Users can benefit from your brilliant ideas by running your Batch, and you can profit from the curator fees collected from users.

BentoBatch: One Click, All Set

Why BentoBatch?

Sounds like you're just about strategy content platform?

We're far more than that!

We don't just assemble user intent as could be done through behavior analysis. We are revolutionizing the Intent Marketplace through a seamless User Experience!

To enhance the on-chain experience, we introduce a groundbreaking concept: the Intent Transaction Layer (ITL).

Within this layer, transactions are streamlined to achieve desired outcomes across various actions (Batch). Users no longer need to sign each transaction individually or grasp every transaction detail. They only need to confirm their intent with just One Click, and ITL completes all Batch's on-chain tasks seamlessly.

BentoBatch: Intent Transaction Layer (ITL)

With ITL's assistance, users only need to focus on the "Intent" of the Batch, regardless of the number of transactions involved.

This saves considerable time and eliminates the challenges associated with navigating various protocols, such as website navigation, token swaps, bridges, and more.

Say goodbye to annoying signs and confirmation!

One Click, All Set 🎉

Save More Money with BentoBatch

Same on-chain interactions, but cheaper !

Not satisfied with our OneClick journey? How about a cheaper gas cost?

We've been using costly blockchain (gas fees) for the past few years, costing $2.4B in gas fees on Ethereum in 2023.

ITL not only provides an easier user experience, it actually costs less in gas fees! You are able to fulfill same on-chain objectives with less cost!

More Intents in the Tx mean lower gas costs. Saving 20-30 bucks on your one Intent? There's no reason to refuse it.

# of TX vs Gas Fee with ITL.

Safer with BentoBatch

Over $400M worth of assets were stolen due to approval scams in 2023.

With Intent Transaction Layer, we can package "Safety Intent" into Batch to protect your wallet from approval scams or compromised contracts with minimal effort and cost.

Tired of approving and revoking your assets? Try BentoBatch now!

Batch Safety

Intent Marketplace

The best part of BentoBatch is not just the easier, cheaper, and safer on-chain experience. It's the ability for users to curate their Intent into Batches and build an ecosystem upon that.

BentoBatch Intent Marketplace is a platform for users to explore, share, build, and run the best Intents with less effort. Just as there will be endless Intents, we are dedicated to providing all the possibilities needed to build upon your Intents!

Bento Batch: Intent Marketplace

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