Switching Wallets


I've been using Metamask since literally the day it came out but recently have been running into more and more issues or concerns (I probably use 'concern' too loosely). On one hand, wallets are super sticky - in a place rife with scams, it's hard to trust a new service with your money. On the other, however, it's important to stay up to date as new tech comes out - and at the end of the day, I want to protect myself as much as possible.

Ultimately, this led me to move to a new wallet - Rabby - which was a very uncomfortable thing to do for me initially when you are talking about a space that takes advantage of people every day. For the first few days, every time I would check my balance I'd hold my breath and hope everything was there - this isn't anything against Rabby, either, but if you've been around long enough, you know how it is. However, after using it for around a week, I'm happy that I made the switch, and I would encourage anyone else still using Metamask to consider doing so as well. I don't have any relationship with Rabby, by the way, I just like to talk about things I use and/or enjoy, as you all know. Of course, if you use Coinbase wallet or something, you may already have your wallet of choice. I personally haven't used it much, so I cant speak to it with confidence.

So why am I glad I made the switch? A few reasons. Feel free to visit their X page here, by the way - and as always, double and triple check that even I linked the correct link. You should always verify things yourself.


Rabby supports a lot of different chains, and it gives you a super easy overview of everything you own on any given wallet - regardless of which chain it's on. This is my garbage hot-wallet by the way, so don't look here for alpha (many tokens in here were airdropped to me as scams), but you can see how cool and easy it is.

My favorite part, though, is that it automatically switches network for you as needed. You don't need to mess with swapping RPCs or manually inputting them anymore.


The real reason I am enjoying Rabby, however, is the much improved security experience. First, before you even go to sign any transaction, it will show you common flags (you've never sent to this wallet before, for example). It won't even let you go through with the transaction unless you acknowledge these security concerns first.

Second, it will simulate the transaction for you and show you EXACTLY what you will be sending and receiving. Instead of just blind-signing something, now you get to see the exact assets that will be moving. So if you go to "claim" something, and you suddenly see the transaction simulation show you that all of your NFTs are going to leave your wallet, you can stop that before it happens.

MEV Protection

If you're new, you may not know exactly what this is. But sometimes when you send a transaction with a certain amount of slippage set, for example, bots can frontrun your transaction, buy a token cheaper, then sell it to you at the higher end of your slippage. Technically, you agreed to this, but bots and people take advantage. MEV protection prevents this from happening, and you can turn it on when you go to send a transaction.

Not all wallets are made equal, and I'm sure different use cases call for different things - for example, I still use Phantom for Solana. But overall, I'm glad I took the plunge to try out Rabby and hopefully end up protecting myself from being taken advantage of. If you have been debating making the swap, I would encourage you to check it out. As always, make sure you confirm the links and extensions you are downloading come from the official source.


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