Edison is a Network State

1) Network State 101

If you've never heard of the concept of a "Network State," keep reading this section. If you're already familiar with this idea, pioneered recently by Balajis Srinivasan, skip ahead to section 2.

In a sentence, "A network state is a highly aligned online community with a capacity for collective action that crowdfunds territory around the world and eventually gains diplomatic recognition from pre-existing states."

Put differently, it's the idea of starting a new nation that is based more around alignment of belief and culture, less about arbitrary lines on a map. And one important point is that Network States can be physical (hard) or virtual (much easier). To some degree, we already have many examples of virtual network states across media formats like video games, social networks, blockchains, forums, and private chats. But most of them are centrally controlled for-profit platforms that can exercise authoritarian style control over the population at any time they want (because you signed a Terms of Service that gave them that permission).

If you'd like to dive deeper into the Network State idea, you can learn more here.

Ok now proceed...

2) Edison is a (virtual) Network State

Most people think of a Network State as a physical place. A plot of sovereign land, or a close-knit community that exists in a hyper-libertarian country where people are free to rally around specific ideals and regulations. As you can imagine, getting people to move (read: leave their home) is really hard, but early experiments are already starting to emerge that let people trial the idea in a temporary, pop-up-style way. One of my favorite examples is Edge City.

But the premise of leaving your nation to join another comes with an underlying tone. One that is rooted in conflict and fear. Basically, your current nation is so bad that you've lost hope in changing it and therefore your only option is to exit. But I think that many network states will begin not with refugees escaping their home, but by people who are starting to test-drive states elsewhere that may offer something better, or simply a place that is more fun to be.

So how do you test the kind of Network State you may want to join, and confirm the type of people you align with? How do you do it in a place that feels visceral and real, without the cost of creating or moving to a physical place? You go virtual first...

Edison is a metaverse that is boot-loading a network state, one that is rooted in fun and social activity. There are very serious things that a Network State can do (pool resources, devise political and economic systems, employee people, etc.) but I don't believe that's a mass-onboarding activity. People generally coordinate a lot more easily around things they do out of diversion, not necessity. Sports, music, gaming, etc has the ability to coordinate far more people than society building...

So Edison is sort of a Trojan Horse (am I supposed to tell you that?) We have built a virtual city, and many adjacent worlds around it. We're not creating a perpetual world that demands your deep participation (which feels overwhelming to most) but rather focusing on fun events where you can play, talk, and be entertained. You get to dip your toes in the water of spending time in a place that feels far more real than a social network like X or Reddit, but less consuming than a physical place that asks for a commitment the vast majority aren't willing to give.

Edison will continue increasing the cadence of events, growing our population of citizens (participants) and if all goes well...get to a place where a perpetual virtual network state exists. Maybe someday...a physical Edison City. But lots to do before then...

Does this crazy idea sound interesting? I'd like to invite you to Edison. The best way to begin your citizenship is to join our Discord Server.

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