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The Countdown Commences

Anticipation is building as we draw closer to the final stages of the 'Bali' upgrade for the Nouns Builder Protocol. This update is more than just an enhancement; it's a comprehensive overhaul designed to fortify and extend the capabilities of our protocol. An extensive audit and testing phase ensures that we leave no stone unturned in our quest for perfection. With the December 4th deployment date on the horizon, we are on the brink of unveiling a stronger, more dynamic protocol that will serve as a giant leap for Builder DAO.

Layer 2 Migration Update

Martin has shared a video update regarding his work on the Builder DAO Migration tooling that will be a part of the looming 'Bali' upgrade. This will enable DAOs to migrate from Ethereum mainnet to a Layer 2 network (currently Optimism, Base, or Zora). Check out the Loom he recorded and join in on the conv

rsation on Farcaster at the link below.

Optimism RetroPGF Application

Builder DAO has submitted an application to the Optimism RetroPGF Round 3. The OP RetroPGF rounds allocate OP tokens to reward contributions that have supported the development and adoption of Optimism. The launch of the Nouns Builder Protocol on Layer 2s such as Optimism dramatically slashes the costs of deploying a DAO, not to mention the expenses of voting, proposal submissions, and auction settlements, paving the way for more onchain communities to delve into DAOs. By harnessing the OP Stack's capabilities, we're empowering creators and innovators to easily establish and manage their DAOs. Check out Prof Werder's cast here and the full Round 3 application here.

Public Work Session

The Tech Pod, including Zaak, Neokry, Jord, and our other devs will hold public work sessions every other Thursday at 9:00 pm ET (1:00 am UTC). Again, this is a change from the previous weekly schedule. If you have any questions about the work they are doing or ways you can contribute, please feel free to pop in and join them during this session! You can find the latest work session notes and recordings here on GitHub. Details on the next Public Work Session will be made available in Discord.

Builder DAO Meetings

The weekly Builder Office Hours call hosted by Prof Werder is every Wednesday at 4:00pm ET. Prof will be available to answer all of your Builder DAO and Nouns Builder questions! Register your interest in the next Office Hours call on November 8th at 4:00pm ET in Discord here.

In addition to the weekly office hours, the Builder monthly call takes place on Thursdays at 5:00pm ET, the next call is scheduled for November 16th. You can register your interest in Discord here. This past Builder monthly meeting occurred on November 2nd, the agenda is below and the recording can be found in our Discord here.

Builder DAO BuilderBox on TNS

Every week on Fridays at 12:30 pm ET Prof Werder and Toady Hawk host BuilderBox live at The Noun Square! Follow the BuilderBox Twitter account to keep up with the latest news. If you aren't able to make it, you can always go back and listen to the recording. Unfortunately, this past week's show had to be canceled, but they'll be back next Friday!

Builder Channel on Farcaster

The Builder Channel on Farcaster displays a feed of activity from members of Builder including casts and onchain activity such as auctions, proposals, and votes. You can also now see the DAO feed directly on the website by clicking 'Feed' as shown in the screenshot below!

It's a really great way to keep up to date with your fellow Builders! Very recently Farcaster has even gone permissionless! Anyone can now sign up for the protocol without an invite. Head to your Farcaster client of choice (Warpcast, Aburra, Flink, Herocast, etc) and sign up today. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out for assistance!

Newsletter Artwork

The art featured in this week's newsletter was created by myself using Adobe Firefly. If anyone wants to send me artwork they've drawn or generated with AI, please DM me on X or Discord, and I will include your art and a shoutout in a future newsletter!

Builder DAO Fun Fact

Nouns Builder was retroactively funded by Nouns DAO Proposal 167

Protocol Stats

DAOs Launched on Builder Protocol: 146 DAOs Created (+1)

Nouns Builder Proposals: 603 Total Proposals (+13)


For regular updates, follow the Nouns Builder DAO Bot on Twitter or Farcaster.




Built on Builder

This week's featured DAO built on the Builder protocol is Nounjis! Nounjis are an attempt to build a character layer on top of Nouns. Though this DAO is not particularly active, the creator has designed beautiful renditions of the original Nouns artwork! Check out some examples below.


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