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Suns Out, DAOs Out

Congratulations to the winners of the Builder DAO Onchain Summer grants! All of these DAOs are up to some really exciting things, be sure to check them out. Links can be found on the contest page on Uplink here.

Nouns Town LA 2024

The first Nouns focused irl festival is creeping closer and closer and is shaping up to be a real spectacle, trust me when I say you don't want to miss this. Register your interest in attending Nouns Town here!

Builder App

Are you using it yet? If not, check it out here.

The Park



Yellow Collective


Freezerverse DAO

Based Nouns

Builder DAO Meetings

Office hours have moved and the call is now at 2:00pm ET on Tuesdays. The weekly Builder Office Hours call hosted by Prof Werder is your chance to ask all of your Builder DAO and Nouns Builder questions! Register your interest in the next call on September 3rd, at 2:00pm ET in Discord.

In addition to the weekly office hours, the Builder bi-monthly call takes place on Thursdays at 5:00pm ET, the next call is scheduled for September 5th. You can register your interest in Discord here. This past Builder monthly meeting occurred on August 22nd, the agenda is below and the recording is in our Discord here.

Builder Channel on Farcaster

The Builder Channel on Farcaster displays a feed of activity from members of Builder including casts and onchain activity such as auctions, proposals, and votes.

It's a great way to keep up to date with your fellow Builders! Head to your Farcaster client of choice, such as Warpcast, and sign up today. Signups are FREE if you are in certain locations. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out for assistance!

Builder DAO Fun Fact

There are 15 different background colors for the Builder tokens that are randomly generated for each new auction.

Protocol Stats

DAOs Launched on Builder Protocol: 254 (+2,102) DAOs Created [ETH, OP, Base, Zora]

Nouns Builder Deployed: 116 DAOs Deployed [ETH]

DAOs income from Auctions: 637 ETH (+2) [ETH, OP, Base]

Nouns Builder Proposals: 1,115 Total Proposals (+9) [ETH, OP, Base, Zora]


For regular updates, follow the Nouns Builder DAO Bot on Twitter or Farcaster.




Built on Builder

This week's featured DAO built on the Builder protocol is Edu Nouns! Edu Nouns DAO is a community dedicated to fostering education and growth in young children through interactive and engaging experiences. By creating and sharing open-source, freely accessible resources such as educational games, workbooks, worksheets, and puzzles, Edu Nouns empowers kids to learn in a fun and supportive environment. Open to all, this community believes in the power of collective learning and the importance of spending quality time together to nurture the next generation's curiosity and development. With a welcoming spirit, Edu Nouns is committed to making education an enjoyable and accessible journey for every child.

In Other Nouns

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