When I heard that GM Farcaster was celebrating its 1 year anniversary with a 24 hour live stream I dm'd them to ask how I could get involved. We decided I would join to talk about Purple Builders. We have so many great builders in Purple that its an easy thing to talk about but its hard to write about without feeling like you've left 100 people off your list.
By way of filter, here is a list of projects I use on a weekly basis if not more frequent.
Where I read social media
Purple #238
Base - @jessepollak, Base builder #001
Where I transact the most
Purple #169
Where I mint my art
Purple #23
Where I post my essays
Purple #139
Obsidian - @kepano, CEO (Purple #269)
Where I keep all of my notes
Purple #269
How I develop on Farcaster
Purple #77
Hypersub - @nonlinear.eth, Founder
How I run my art subscription
Purple #239
Where I scheduled casts, use chron feeds and claim Moxie
Purple 239
Hats Protocol - @scottrepreneur.eth
How I manage my onchain organizations
Purple #48
How I search for Casts
Purple #62
How I do polls and surveys on Warpcast
Purple #7
How I display art on my dedicated art screen
Purple #15
Where I play social sports games
Purple #38
Nounspace - @RealityCrafter, Founder
Where I have my Nouns Farcaster dashboard
Purple #42
Interface - @annoushka.eth, Founder
How I stay on top of my friends onchain
Purple #344
Titles - @sorenwrenn, Founder
How I create art on my phone
Purple #389