Ever wondering what your social footprint is on Farcaster? This simple google sheet should give you some answers.
Add your farcaster name (fname) in the yellow cells and the results will populate. In case there's an issue with the fname, try your fid. The result is divided into two sections: Your stats, and your tribe members. The data is interaction data during the past 7 days. If your casts didn't land, they weren't included in here.
Your stats are an improved version of your traditional social metric influencer score.
Trendsetter is an influence metric. If added the lowest and highest value below it to help you gauge where you are on the influence scale. As you can see, I'm pretty low.
Buzz is an attempt at measuring "how loud" it is around you. The more of your connections are talking with each other, the higher the buzz. A high buzz is like living in a neighborhood with a lot of (human) traffic, tons of stores and coffee shops and where always something is going on. Again, I've added min and max as a way to rank your score. I might not be influential, but I'm not in a dead silent part of Farcaster town.
Tribe is measuring the cluster you are part of. The max tells you how many clusters exists.
New Far Friends is an attempt at suggesting other people to follow and engage with. It's right now a list of people who are 2 steps removed based on your interaction from last week. It doesn't take prior conversation or following into account. Don't be surprised if you see familiar names. Maybe time to reach out to them again?
Your Tribe Members let's you scroll through a list of tribe members. Or you can just search for a person using their fname and see if they are in your tribe. The search isn't yet optimized. Don't forget to add .eth if it's part of their name.
Say I want to build a network of all the Farcaster users. What would be the fastest way to get the data? Just created an account here and I know nothing about the protocol. Thinking about this as a fun challenge! 🚀
the easiest way to look at all users is dune, they source data from @neynar which has apis and a query tool similar to dune which you can download a csv of all users from. check out https://chat.openai.com/g/g-lKnQHXJKS-dune-x-farcaster-gpt to generate dune queries about farcaster
I'd love to avoid Dune and get closer to the data source if there is a quick option there!
Try using Neynar SQL playground: https://data.hubs.neynar.com/ DMs open if you have any questions :)
Tried to get the `links` data (around 1 million rows) from Dune. It runs on the UI but I can't download the CSV or get it via the Python Dune client.
links is a table which essentially records follow actions you probably want: select * from dune.neynar.dataset_farcaster_profile_with_addresses where fname is not null not null is due to a previous FID attack without registering username/storage
That's some nice context! Will see how the replicator route goes though as I have a hunch Dune won't let me download the data easily.
you can also use farcaster-py on github or the warpcast free apis if you can find them. or ask for a sql dump of the user table from someone running a hub
Sweet! The Python package is awesome. Curious how quick could I spin a hub and get all the users in the database. 🤔
you can spin up a digital ocean hub under minimum specs in like 30 minutes on your first time reasonably, however i've never setup the postgres replicator. Actually cc @dylsteck.eth i would check out his dev kit and or reach out to him
Post in /farcaster and also join us in /ipfs and tagging my buddy @dylsteck.eth who might be able to give some pointers.
Is there a way to re-tag a "cast" or should I just send it again to /farcaster?
unfortunately each parent cast can only be in one channel, but you can tag other channels such as /farcaster /dev
you would quote cast it but this channel is about the topic anyway
I don’t actually know!
I'll follow @dylsteck.eth links and make a new post once I have a bit more context.
^ great pointers if you're looking to build, i'd also recommend checking out some of the ecosystem projects at github.com/a16z/awesome-farcaster if you're looking to get a snapshot of the farcaster data and do smth(data analytics), you can access FC data on dune via neynar(ex: https://dune.com/pixelhack/farcaster)
Thanks! I was just reading aboutr neynar.com. Wondering if their data pipelines are open source. 🔍
iirc it’s not, but there are a ton of ways to get open source Farcaster data and also Neynar is one of if not the most robust options one of them(which I’m building) is @farcasterkit, a free api and react hooks for building farcaster apps
Go on Dune.com , query the @neynar datasets
Farcaster Town had 93 tribes ("neighborhoods") last week. https://paragraph.xyz/@cheshirecat/farcaster-social-stats Find your stats & tribe, and maybe some new friends: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1unX5wEfY96mI-kJ2b-Nr-x4hlX0dzd4OyL2vCXc5Qws/edit?usp=sharing