Exactly, that's the question.
The answer: You don't
Your phone will run hot, slow down and glitch. Hotspot will suddenly disappear, your call will drop making your workflow come to a squeaking halt. You'll be constantly apologizing. It's awful and you'll be miserable.
How did I end up miserable?
In the developed part of the world, not having wifi at home is weird. Unless you live in the Irish midlands, a region forgotten by the elite in Dublin. No wifi as it's too expensive for companies to lay down the cables. Sparsely populated by a dying generation. And too remote for the elite in Dublin to consider worthy to appease with stable internet connection.
But I don't live there anymore. My internet provider didn't have any outages, I paid the bills on time. Technically everything was fine.
I canceled purposefully.
It took me 2 hours. I put my soul into this. Customer support (because of course you had to call) tried to convince me to stay, but without success. None of their plans were good enough for me. I wanted three pay and go mobile phone lines and home internet connection for €30/month.
They said no.
I said fine, good bye.
They said ok we disconnect, but we're gonna be cheeky bastards and not tell the people in finance who would then automatically reconnect you for the new payment cycle as you paid your bill. Evil laugh 😈 jajajaja[1].
The last part they did not say, but do. Another hour practicing Spanish with Vodafone.

OK, but why would you inflict pain on you voluntary? Are you mad in the head???

Change doesn't happen if you stick to your routine. I wanted to create some change and hit a wall:
kids spending too much time on social media
me working too much
me spending too much time inside
Cancelling wifi might be crazy but it forced those changes. I'm now splitting my time between two different co-working spots depending on what else is on my agenda. One kid burned through her data and now depends on the mercy of everyone else to access their hotspot. Another kid ditched Netflix for skateboarding. And the baby of the family isn't on her Nintendo 24/7.
But I was SUFFERING. In big bold fat capital letters. I timed the experiment to start with the Octant growth accelerator. My calendar is overflowing with calls in the afternoon. All good. Full of learning and wisdom. But impossible to do them from home. Work gets pushed to the evening hours.
I gave up.
I just signed the contract for a new internet connection. BUT I've changed provider. I checked Trustpilot and took the risk. It's either gonna be flawless or absolutely crap with technician never arriving. I'll still go to the co-working places. I don't need to see people to be motivated to work. But I need variation. On top of that the sun is shining into my office window in the morning. It's so frecking hot in my office. But if I open the door, I get all the construction noise.
The End. Collect this post and join me next week to discover how to go camping as a solo parent with 4 girls.
[1] that's how you laugh in Spain.

Always fun to push the boundaries of what's acceptable https://paragraph.xyz/@cheshirecat/how-to-survive-two-weeks-without-wifi-while-working-remotely-038
Discover the chaos and comedy of canceling wifi in a world where downtime breeds change. Though the journey was tough—complete with overloaded devices and family challenges—new routines began to form. Now, with a new provider, a blended work-life is on the horizon. Read more from @kbc.
Living without wifi while working - A somewhat different post than my usual walk through of collected bookmarks https://paragraph.xyz/@cheshirecat/how-to-survive-two-weeks-without-wifi-while-working-remotely-038