Summer is winding down and I’m noticing where my attention is being pulled. Recommitting to my daily disciplines and completing open projects. Increasing my time spent creating and decreasing my time spent consuming. It’s time to notice what I’m harvesting from the seeds I’ve planted.
The next season will be full of photoshoots, filming, writing and editing, releasing and harvesting. This kind of deep work is personal and requires presence. I can sense a big shift coming, so I’m taking this time to pause and check in.
I’m feeling into how, where and why to share. With the options for artists evolving and the unknown future of tech’s impact on artistry, I want to make sure that I continue moving in alignment with my intuition. I’ll be spending more time this week being quiet and listening.
Maybe you’re also feeling this and want to reflect on where you’ve been and where you’re headed. There’s nothing like the clarity that comes thru stillness and affirmations that you’re on the right path. Take care of yourself this week