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CoOwning CoCreated

Building Collaborative Art Experiences Together

Our Vision for CoCreated

We are building a CoOwned organization. An organization that enables brands, teams and communities to be more connected, more expressed, and more creative -> through collective art experiences.

Working with generative community artists (like ChrisCoCreated) the organization will provide products and experiences to brands, artists events, organizations and communities. 

By working with CoCreated our clients will have more people that feel like they belong, have a clearer shared identity, a stronger understanding of what they are doing and where they are going, and be better at generating and implementing ideas.

At its core we help build the  relational tissue and creative muscle that help groups of people thrive.

CoCreated's Core Proposition:

Art experiences that strengthen groups of any size from small teams, to large events and communities. Increase belonging, identity, understanding, creativity, and shared vision by creating together.

Bring your people closer together. Give them the feels for what your doing together.

Introducing CoOwn CoCreated

We are building the organization (CoCreated) on Co-Ownership principles, early contributors will have a stake in the organization as it grows and brings more people into Co-Ownership, a flywheel that incentivises all parties to grow the organization.

Stewarded initially by @ChrisCoCreated with @Lior, the approach will leverage the farcaster network to gather contributions to the project and reward the value that people bring.

We are looking for people who can contribute to bringing the vision for CoCreated to life in any way, through relationships, ideas, dev, communication, marketing, partnership etc. etc.

CoOwnership is in its early stage, this is a trust based approach with contributions being rewarded at the stewards discretion. You can see our track record on farcaster over the past two years.

Initial Objectives

The overarching objective is to help CoCreated become a market-ready product/service with actionable ideas and partnerships.

Identify clients / customers / design partners

  • Connect established partners with a vision that needs Cocreated energy and strengths applied to their org or event. 

  • Because they are client directed, these are quicker to revenue as the client knows what they want to achieve and want CoCreated to jump in right away and work. 

  • Client directed work can perhaps more easily be discovered through the Guild network. Everyone in the guild likely has a couple people/projects/events as prospective clients

Develop plans to productize

  • Ideas for CoCreated products (either new or using existing CoCreated work) that teams, communities etc. might want to buy of the shelf

  • Research and exploration of possible products, services, or experiences to meet the needs of various markets

Join as a contributor

  • People who want to be part of building this (dev, growth, strategy, funding etc)

    • Dev and design expertise to build and ship the ideas.

    • Relationship and community builders to bring in people and partnerships

    • Leadership to oversee projects from ideation and Guild commitment to completion

  • Either yourself or make introductions from your network

3 steps process

Step 1 Expression of interest

Step 2 Ideation phase

  • Discussion workshop for initial client and product ideas

  • Informal ideation

  • Platform submission of executable ideas (written or video)

    • This can be anything from 100 words (on what you’d bring to the project, or someone you’d introduce), to a fully worked proposal to partner with a client and deliver a pilot project.

Step 3 Implementation and Execution phase

  • Chris (with input from other CoOwners) selects ideas to move forward

  • Define team(s) for each selected idea

  • Committed and focused execution of the ideas to completion by each team


Every active guild member will be rewarded with at least one initial artwork of appreciation token, which signifies membership in the guild and is the placeholder for future rewards. The transformation of these rewards to revenue share or ownership will be done at a later stage by the stewards (similar to  Retroactive Public Goods Funding).

The idea is to engage in an emergent process together, based on trust, and led by ChrisCoCreated. There is no long term commitment on either side, other than contributions made now will be included when there is a solid reward structure in place.

After this first cycle future rewards will be identified in relation to the work being taken forward.

The thinking behind the rewards: People will get involved initially because they are interested in the vision, like and trust what I am doing with CoCreated, and would like some future upside.

Though the allocation or upside won’t yet be known, it will be transparent and will recognise contribution. If people don’t agree with the allocation, they may not engage further. However, Chris is incentivised to properly recognise valuable contributions.

Could ideas be taken and not recognised? Yes, but this is a trust based system, based on irl connection. As the process develops and things firm up then their will be clearer rewards and 

CoCreated Founder bio

Chris has spent 20 years creating art experiences in real life through 5 theatre productions, and. He has run a elderly care business that focuses on the dignity and humanity of the elderly while bringing new methods of care to help them flourish in the final chapters 3 years ago, Chris brought his abilities to web3 which began the exploration of digital art and community. Through his innovative approach, he has initiated projects that bring a different approach to web3---fun, meaningful, etc etc. He has seen success in drawing the attention of Optimism featuring a user focused project on their main page. Farcaster opened a new world for Chris leading to a workshop at the first Farcon, multiple collab gen-art projects, and a first of its kind photography collaboration project. Through these efforts, Chris has been able to catch the eye and engage some notable people in web3 and create a launching pad to take cocreated to a new level through collaboration and co-ownership. 


The whole of what Chris has already created within CoCreated is available as a potentioal resource for further value creation. Including the back catalog of code and platforms already developed for specific artworks (unclick Highlight to see all of them) see below a farcaster client

~ 9,000 collectors of his artworks

~ 100 subscribers to hypersub

~ 45,000 followers of @ChrisCoCreated on Farcaster

~ 1,000 channel follows for /CoCreated

For clarity CoCreated will be separate from my artworks as ChrisCoCreated (though it may inform!). It is also very open to other artists to create inside of.

Example Products/Services

Your logo made from participants names and pfps

Value Proposition

Make people feel more connected by creating your logo with their pfps and or names that they can own, display, and use.

Example 1

We Are GM Farcaster

Celebrating all supporters of GM Farcaster for their 100th edition

Example 2

We Are Nounish

Users placed their pfp in the Noggles by liking a tweet or cast

Example 3

We Are ETH Denver - Made from the Social Id's of everyone with Staked Spork.

Event Memorialisation

Value Proposition

Make memories and souvenirs(keepsakes) of your event with community created art that attendees can own and share.


Farcon CoCreated

Collaborative Photography

Value Proposition

Make you audience or team feel more creative by easily collaborating to make beautiful art with photos that tell a story that they can own and display.


Photosynthesis - collaboration between stellar photographers and collectors who make the ultimate creative decision.

How this might work: A brand commissions work on a theme connected to them. Artists contribute source images. Users are given mint credits, and generate and mint artworks using the platform. (could incorporate brand marks or images)

CoOwn with us

If you want to help build and grow CoCreated then apply via the frame in Farcaster - if you're in my network you should be pre-approved, if you're not yet, and you've got value to bring you certainly will be. Any issues DM me on Farcaster

Looking forward to CoCreating CoCreated with you. 🎈

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