Robert Schumann, a hopeless romantic, tragic figure whose works often live a shadow existence. Yet, he paved the way for the next generation and was in many ways a modern man...
Shops cycle through seasonal items faster than ever, we're inundated with a never ceasing cacophony of news. No wonder time seems to fly. But we're not entirely powerless.
Impressions on using the reMarkable 2 for a week from a writer and avvid notetaker.
The discovery of the secrets the Antikythera mechanism housed led to a drastic rethinking of the history of technology, revealing progress beyond imagination in ancient days.
I'm sitting on a train, riding home for Christmas (not driving like in the famous song cause I am a public transport gal). I'm surrounded by stranger...
Like landfills worldwide are overburdened with first-world garbage, so are our discussions. The idea that garbage in creates garbage out doesn't seem...
Being productive or maybe not? How did we end up with a world where we constantly chase productivity?
Last weekend, I went to Prague to attend DCX, a satellite event for DevConnect. After all, Prague is just a 2 hr train ride away and always worth vis...