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How Farcaster Changed the Trajectory of My Life

David Tso

David Tso

My New Online Home

For the past year, Farcaster has become my new online home.

I use it every day, and I can say the product feels magical, and the engagement is qualitatively better.

With a new social network comes new opportunities.

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What Is Farcaster?

For those unfamiliar, Farcaster is a decentralized social protocol like SMTP to email.

Every user gets an Ethereum wallet for onchain actions when they sign up, and anyone can build clients on top of it that offer different frontends.

Warpcast is currently the most used client.

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Why Farcaster?

X used to have many clients, like Tweetdeck and Twitterific, until it cut off its API access and killed them.

Now, X is just X whether you like its ads, subscriptions, shadowbans, and algorithm or not.

The beauty of Farcaster is client diversity and giving power back to users.

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The Onchain Mullet

Since Farcaster is decentralized, users own their accounts and are free to move between clients.

For developers, they can build with all the open and permissionless APIs without fear of being rugged.

Many say Farcaster is like a mullet – web2 in the front, onchain in the back.

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A month ago, Farcaster didn’t feel too different from a Reddit-X hybrid.

But since Varun and Dan launched Frames, Farcaster has become a social network, app store, and commerce platform all in one.

It unlocked a new distribution channel and kicked off hockeystick growth.

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What Are Frames?

Frames are interactive apps embedded in casts/tweets that enable experiences while you scroll your feed.

Some initial use cases include games, shopping, polls, newsletters, NFT mints, block explorers, etc.

Frames are just a canvas for builders to paint whatever they dream up.

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Why Frames?

Frames allow products to gain distribution as they meet the users where they already are.

Li Jin recently wrote, “consumer products now resemble entertainment, with users regularly wanting to try out the latest thing and then quickly moving on.”

Frames are an example of this.

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What I love about Farcaster is its positive-sum community.

Farcaster has given me a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to contribute where I can, collaborate with builders, and learn from my role models like Jesse.

It’s the perfect place for anyone, anywhere to come onchain.

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My takeaways from Farcaster:

- Build mobile-first

- Make onboarding easy

- Open platforms are powerful

- Composability creates magic

- Abstract away the blockchain

- Enable what’s not possible via web2

- Minimize clicks to do things onchain

- Manifest Chris Dixon’s Read Write Own

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Get Involved

I can try to describe Farcaster all day, but the best way to understand it is to use it.

Channels are a great starting point, I even host a few:

- warpcast.com/~/channel/consumercrypto

- warpcast.com/~/channel/consumer-apps

- warpcast.com/~/channel/consumer

- warpcast.com/~/channel/infra

Helpful resources:

- x.com/base/status/1758262775942684800
- github.com/a16z/awesome-farcaster

Let’s build!!

Collect this post as an NFT.

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David Tso (dave.base.eth) 🔵
Commented 10 months ago

Farcaster is one of the onchain apps I use daily, and it’s one of the things I’m most excited about in crypto Confident that they’ll grow by orders of magnitude this cycle – go @dwr.eth, @v, and team @farcaster!!

David Tso (dave.base.eth) 🔵
Commented 10 months ago
David Tso (dave.base.eth) 🔵
Commented 1 year ago

Just posted a new article on @paragraph! “How @farcaster Changed the Trajectory of My Life” Read, subscribe, and collect for free https://paragraph.xyz/@cryptso/farcaster

pifours.eth 👁️ 🇺🇦
Commented 1 year ago

Minted! Great article, I almost want to write my own with the same title :)

David Tso (dave.base.eth) 🔵
Commented 1 year ago

Appreciate you! Glad you enjoyed it 😄

David Tso (dave.base.eth) 🔵
Commented 1 year ago

1/ How @farcaster changed the trajectory of my life For the past year, Farcaster has become my new online home I use it every day, and I can say the product feels magical, and the engagement is qualitatively better With a new social network comes new opportunities

David Tso (dave.base.eth) 🔵
Commented 1 year ago

2/ For those unfamiliar, Farcaster is a decentralized social protocol like SMTP to email Every user gets an Ethereum wallet for onchain actions when they sign up, and anyone can build clients on top of it that offer different frontends Warpcast is currently the most used client

David Tso (dave.base.eth) 🔵
Commented 1 year ago

3/ X used to have many clients, like Tweetdeck and Twitterific, until it cut off its API access and killed them Now, X is just X whether you like its ads, subscriptions, shadowbans, and algorithm or not The beauty of Farcaster is client diversity and giving power back to users

David Tso (dave.base.eth) 🔵
Commented 1 year ago

4/ Since Farcaster is decentralized, users own their accounts and are free to move between clients For developers, they can build with all the open and permissionless APIs without fear of being rugged Many say Farcaster is like a mullet – web2 in the front, onchain in the back

David Tso (dave.base.eth) 🔵
Commented 1 year ago

5/ A month ago, Farcaster didn’t feel too different from a Reddit-X hybrid But since @v and @dwr.eth launched Frames, Farcaster has become a social network, app store, and commerce platform all in one It unlocked a new distribution channel and kicked off hockeystick growth

Commented 1 year ago

Farcaster, a decentralized social protocol is hailed as a game-changer by @cryptso.eth. With client diversity and user power at its core, Farcaster also embeds interactive apps in posts. The blog suggests it's the future of onchain social networking.

David Tso (dave.base.eth) 🔵
Commented 1 year ago

Appreciate the love ❤️

How Farcaster Changed the Trajectory of My Life