Impact Happens in the Shadows
"May you live in interesting times."To say we live in interesting times would be a gross understatement. We live in absolutely batshit crazy times. W...
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We Are The Storm
Fierce Yogis & Transmuting Pain
Blobs, Dencun & Proto-Danksharding-- WTF?
Defining Community
Resilient Community Building for Human-First Developer Relations
Cold hard truth right here-- we are all currently swimming through an accelerated period of collapse and fighting not to drown. The systems we've all relied upon, at least here in the West, for the decades that we've existed on this planet are now undergoing a period of collapse at the hands of billionaires. A handful of oligarchs, broligarchs and a failed businessman cosplaying as President are destroying the systems that have enabled this great American experiment called Democracy for sever...
Here is a comical, yet powerful breakdown of how two Conscious Leaders & community professionals approach creating, growing and nurturing impactful d...
Nothing humbles the ego faster than going to physical therapy in a small mountain town in the West multiple times a week. The layers of humanity to a...
Communications. Communication rests at the heart of everything. How we communicate our truth to the world is how the world interprets us and how we a...
Refugees of late stage capitalism are finding their way to the world of blockchain— a frontier where you can basically choose your own adventure in t...
How often do we explore the differences between “happiness” and “bliss”? In our culture, we often focus on happiness and our moods, energies and acti...
Here's a little AI + Strategic (although a bit lazy) Prompting to help explain why "Blobs" are bouncing around the interwebs right now. I didn't real...
How we nurture, display kindness, engage in compassion, deploy empathy— how we lead from a place of consciousness and service— these are all the beautiful elements of the divine feminine.
Underestimate Yogis at your own peril. We are grossly misunderstood creatures who possess multitudes of humanity, empathy— and strength. I recently s...
I explore the intersections of humanity, technology & the mystical.