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The Moxiesplaining Journal: Days 8-14

When the Moxie Protocol launch was announced a couple of months ago, I called it the most exciting development I've seen in my 3+ years in crypto.

After a month of close observation following the launch on July 29, 2024, this month I decided to start a 30-day experiment on Farcaster: the Moxiesplaining Journal.

It's a daily window into my observations, learnings, and the view of Moxie from where I sit as a writer + editor.

This post is a collection of the second week's journal entries (days 8 through 14) exactly as they appeared on Farcaster. Click on the date to read the relevant threads.

You can also review days 1-7.

On Sep. 9, Moxiesplaining Journal was featured as a community project in the Moxie Monday newsletter.

Day 8: The Moxie Dictionary

8 Sep 2024

The Moxie Dictionary is a new project to track, define, and organize emergent Moxie-specific jargon: neologisms, slang terms, wordplay, etc.

Thanks to @kenjiquest for the idea.

To those who've been asking "Wait, what's Moxiesplaining? What's Moxiebaiting?": I'll have more precise answers for you soon.

The Moxie Dictionary will be part of the Moxiesplaining Journal to start, so the community can comment on proposed definitions before they're settled.

Starter list:

- Moxie Maxi
- Moxiesplaining
- Moxiebaiting
- Moxicurious
- Moxiemoron

What other Moxie lingo should be included?

Feel free to tag me to call my attention to candidates for inclusion in the dictionary.

Note: If the definition of the word isn't clear from context, be prepared for some nit-picky questions. :)

Day 9: Fan Tokens Reward Reciprocity

9 Sep 2024

So much of the world is overrun by financial patterns that incentivize + reward extractive behavior and glorify the individual.

Moxie Fan Tokens, by contrast, are designed to incentivize + reward positive-sum relational patterns.

While tokens may be created out of thin air, sustainable wealth is created out of “deep connective tissue”: long-term relations of trust and reciprocity.

It's short-sighted to pursue financial gain in ways that damage or disregard the role of the social fabric.

Fan Tokens are the foundation of Moxie because they reward building and sustaining healthy relations over time, instead of extracting from them.

I view my Fan Token holdings as a way of aligning myself with this kind of deep-rooted reciprocity.

Day 10: Easing the Way for Writers

10 Sep 2024

A few ways Moxie Everyday Rewards help make life easier for heavily time-constrained and/or cash-strapped writers on Farcaster:

- Rewards aren’t directly tied to any particular subject matter specifics. This helps create more latitude for intrinsically motivated (but still paid) writing.

- Distribution happens in the background; claiming is straightforward. No need to chase your earnings. The reduction in mental load and effort (compared to tipping tokens) helps free up that much more time and cognitive energy for writing.

- Lowers the barriers for niche writers with modest followings to start earning, which can help them bootstrap small businesses. Less time spent pursuing uncertain funding sources (e.g., grants, prize pools, etc.) translates into more time for writing.

How does Moxie make your life easier?

Day 11: Value Flows to the Whole Network

11 Sep 2024

It’s notable that 10% of all Moxie Everyday Rewards always flows to the FC Network token, and this percentage is not adjustable.

I view this as a way of recognizing that true positive-sum value creation happens in context over time. Never in isolation.

Besides the visible work done by high-profile casters + creators, lower-profile background roles like curators, channel mods, + lurkers/readers also contribute valuable time, attention, and continued effort that helps the network succeed.

Instead of revenue-maximizing by capturing hidden surplus value created by these roles and leaving them with nothing but scraps, Moxie returns value to them.

To see this it's important to consider the big picture: how all elements of the Moxie Protocol and token interact.

They work in tandem over long time horizons.

Day 12: Community Call Notes

12 Sep 2024

A few notable items from today’s Moxie community call:

1) Effective today, there's a change to Everyday Rewards:

- Moxie given by recasts + quote casts is reduced from 10x to 6x the Far Score for each one, with a max of 150 that can earn per day

- Moxie given by replies is reduced from 5x to 3x the Far Score for each reply, with a max of 300 that can earn per day

- No changes to likes

The idea is to encourage more thought about what merits a response. (I approve of this change!)

2) Starting in about 2 weeks, we'll have Far Power:

- Lock any Fan Tokens for a min. of 3 months to get higher Far Boosts

- Unlocked Far Boosts will be capped

- Judges for retro grants will receive a boost in voting power according to the TVL in their Fan Tokens

3) Next week’s call will focus on community stories.

Day 13: Meta-Reflections

13 Sep 2024

I do most of my best work slowly, behind the scenes, and out of the spotlight, so I’m unlikely to become a high-volume, high-visibility sort of caster.

Yet I’ve set up the Moxiesplaining Journal as a daily experiment because:

- I'm inspired by the long-term Moxie vision, and

- I want to contribute something Moxie-related every day that might benefit the FC network.

So rather than wrangling with ponderous deep-dive essays that take weeks or months to write (which is where my writer-mind tends to go instinctively if I'm left to my own devices), I’m building daily habits + learning-in-public muscles this month.

In any case, I imagine most of those who hold my Fan Tokens trust that I’ll keep contributing value to the network that compounds over time, regardless of my current rank on the daily earnings leaderboards.

Day 14: Fan Token Plans

14 Sep 2024

Today I'm answering a question about plans for my Fan Token.

Long-term, I hope to use Moxie + Fan Tokens as a springboard to build a sustainable livelihood around my best work: intrinsically motivated writing. The writing I actually want to do.

I’ve got 30+ years’ worth of non-fiction writings in my files, published and unpublished. I plan to edit and re-release the highlights onchain.

I'm working on token-gated vaults: special collections of never-before-seen writings (journal entries, rants, etc.) restricted to my Fan Token holders only.

Currently I'm working on this as a side project alongside work-for-hire. Once I'm able to turn my full attention to intrinsically motivated writing, my Fan Token holders will be the first to benefit.

In the meantime, I'm open to ideas!

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