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Something New and Something Old - Issue 70

Or some of my updates

I want to share some of my updates. I'm exciting to talk about what I have going on and what I will be focusing in the coming weeks and months. And maybe some stuff that I thought I wanted to do, but has been parked for now. Managing time is always interesting; I wouldn’t call any of these things a reset, just a rejig of the priority list.

I'm going to start with Spaces, Polygon Alliance & FCancer, Goonz (maybe explain #GoonzNotGoons) and then finish with something I have coming in a week or so!

The 18th green at West Midlands Golf Course. It's an island green on a par 3. Yes, that's my first shot, on the green on the right hand side!

Spaces is a good place to start. I really enjoy Twitter/X Spaces, especially the open-floor variety. For many reasons, not just to hear the sound of my own voice! I like having my opinions and thoughts challenged, meeting new people, getting introduced to new art and ideas, hanging out with friends, talking about challenging subjects, and much more. Hopefully, our listeners enjoy our Spaces for the same reasons.

I now host #ThisIsNotAShill on Mondays, Cynthia hosts on Wednesdays, and Metal hosts Fridays. Cynthia uses Wednesday’s time for community updates. Please reach out to Cynthia or me if you would like anything shared. Metal hosts a DeFi edition every Friday, sometimes with a guest and sometimes not.

Secret Project and Vans join me as co-hosts on alternate Mondays, and Shane will join Metal on Fridays. John isn’t going anywhere, and our previous co-hosts are still welcome if we can find room! We remain an open-floor space. Anyone is welcome to share their art or updates, as long as they are polite, friendly, and uplifting.

Mondays have been focused on marketing for some time. That’s going to change. We will have a focused guest every Monday for the first hour or so, like a fireside chat where we delve into their why, how they found crypto/NFTs, what they have going on, and some lessons, tips, or tricks they’d like to share. This will start at some point in June.

We already have a guest list that will take us into August or September already. If you are interested in being a guest on one of the longest running Twitter/X Crypto/NFT Spaces then please reach out.

Polygon Alliance and FCancer. Vans has graciously agreed to host our 3rd Annual FCancer Event this year. The event will be in the first full week of September. We haven’t quite nailed down all the specific details yet. We will have a curated auction at the very least. Lots of people wanted to support this year as we closed last year’s event. Vans or I will be reaching out to them over the coming week or so.

Hosting our 3rd Annual Event—how many people in NFTs manage that? This is something I am incredibly proud of, whatever else happens with Polygon Alliance. I know there are plenty of people invested in the community hub we have built, and we will keep it going in one form or another. At some point, it will be time for it to be bigger than Polygon!

We have raised close to $9,000 in our previous two events, and that wouldn’t have been possible without a huge amount of support from a ridiculous number of people. We are insanely grateful for all the time and effort that goes into helping us host an event like this, and we are hugely excited to be hosting again.

Goose and goslings. Captured while playing golf with my dad

I mentioned something about Goonz, didn’t I? I have explained it many times: both Chris and I work full-time and have plenty of other things happening. We definitely haven’t given up on Goonz; it’s a passion project for both of us. We both know there is plenty to wrap up or finish off and plenty we want to do. Storytelling and ownership are two of our passions. We want to push the IP ownership of your Goonz and hopefully create an environment where that matters. We also know we have done a huge amount for a very low-priced entry point.

Chris has been drawing Goonimalz. They will be more than companions; they will be key to the story and unlocking more of the history of Goonz. More importantly, Goonz are not complete without them. The different types of Goonz don’t know this yet, but they will find out...

Beef with Polygon? Not really, just some feisty fun. We’ve worked hard to create the brand visibility that we have, even if it has been a little quiet. And Polygon going for goons as their underdog thing, well, it just made me think about that message that I pushed for a long time without any support from Polygon. Also, how can a company the size of Polygon be called an underdog, really? It stinks of corporate!

And I want to stick up for our brand while finding smiles. People can think what they want; it’s none of my business.

We will be getting badges with this on, and I will be taking them to Crypto/NFT events. I really like this image of our text under a Goober. Part of a free mint from CryptoGoonz.

Am I parking things? Yes and no. I still want to make an AI collection for the poem I wrote about sugar, and I would love to make more time for poetry, but I need to be in a certain mindset to write without struggle. I need to be highly emotive and in a place where I use it to express. The point is, poetry happens when it happens. Back to the point, the AI prompts for the poem need a little more than the poetry, and I am not sure how I want to do that yet.

I’ve not written some of the articles I said I wanted to, and I don’t really know why. The thing is, I haven’t been inspired to move or share my content. It’s almost like paralysis of choice in terms of topics and how or where to share. I want to use Blockster more, and that’s about making myself prioritize my time to use them to share articles.

What about the Blogcast idea I had? I still like it. I am not sure if I will record every issue, but I may go back and record the last four issues. It was a novel format, and I know people like their content delivered verbally and visually. The fact that this blog still regularly gets 150 opens astounds me, and I am very grateful for all of your time and support.

The banner for Voice Notes Suck

If you have read this far, then I think this is Alpha! At least if you are reading it before Tuesday, 28th May 2024. I have a new podcast launching on 4th June, with one of my closest friends inside and outside of this space. I’m sure you all know and love him. It’s with Jay.

The podcast is called Voice Notes Suck. This is one of the domains I bought (you may have seen me teasing with that info on Twitter/X). It’s a slight twist on the normal podcast format, and that’s all I am sharing for now. You will have to listen on 4th June!

I’ve had so much fun creating this. We have gone from ideation to delivery in about six weeks. The entire first series (season for my American & Canadian friends) is recorded and scheduled, and we will have the second series recorded and scheduled soon. We have unashamedly used AI during the process (not for our content, though), and I have learned a lot. It’s enabled us to put this together in such a timely manner.

cover image for todays blog. Created on Nightcafe. A Dragon at Night.

I hope my excitement comes across in my text. I never quite know how I find time to do what I do when I look at it, yet at the time, it always feels like I am not doing enough. When I reflect like this, I don’t feel bad for reprioritizing. If you ever feel like this, take stock of what you are doing—I bet it’s more than you think!

You can collect this issue for 5 $Matic. There are only 10 copies available. Just find and click on a collect button, and get a copy with the image above on the cover. I had fun making this image.

I am getting closer to 392 subscribers and I appreciate each and every one of you. It means a huge amount and I will have something for my subscribers when I get to 400! Thank you for reading today and have a great couple of weeks.

Collect this post to permanently own it.
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