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🎩 Daily $DEGEN 🎩

Newsletter #31

  1. Send $DEGEN on Warpcast: Today transaction via Frames was launched. @robrecht launched @paybot which allows users to send $DEGEN, USDC or ETH on base. If using mobile you must have a @coinbasewallet. If you use browser you can send with any wallet.

  2. Good Vibes = $DEGEN: Spread good vibes and earn $DEGEN. @0mbre launched a frame that allows you to see random casts with no replies. Find a "lost cast" and reply. The more you say high the more you go up on the leaderboard. Top 10 daily scores will be rewarded with $DEGEN.

  3. Interface integration: Another day, another $DEGEN integration to a crypto-native, community loved project. Interface, an Ethereum native social app, launched support for tokens which allows you to see token info such as price and FDV.

  4. Swap $DEGEN: Another frame that was shipped by @nbragg is swapping / buying $DEGEN in frame. Using Uniswap pool in the backend you can swap $25+ USDC on base for $DEGEN.

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