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🎩 Daily $DEGEN 🎩

Newsletter #42

  1. Tophat to Tip: Powered by $TN100x a token by @deployer you will be able to comment a Tophat on a person's cast and tip them $DEGEN. It is not live yet, but when available if you own a floaty and some $TXN100x you will be able to tip onchain simply by using the Tophat emoji. Floaties are a decentralized sticker packs by the $TN100x team.

  2. Another team acquires $DEGEN: @ciniz and the team at Onchain Gaias, an NFT project, announced they purchased 5.5ETH of $DEGEN. Onchain Gaias now own nearly 5M $DEGEN (~$15K). It's another group showing longterm conviction of $DEGEN.

  3. Drakula <> $DEGEN Update: We have now seen over $1B $DEGEN traded on @drakula in the past 5 days. That's 561,386,340 $DEGEN.

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