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🎩 Daily $DEGEN 🎩

Newsletter #62

  1. Deploy on Degen Week: Today @syndicate announced that next week will be "Deploy on Degen Week." Over 10M $DEGEN (~$450K) in grants will be given out by @jacek, the Syndicate team and 1confiramtion. You can read more about it here. It will start next Monday with grant winners being announced the following week. They did a Twitter spaces today talking about the week that you can listen to here.

  2. v1.1 of The Ecosystem List: Last week @wake announced The Ecosystem List, a list of all the projects building on top of $DEGEN and Degen chain. Today we get the latest version with an updated list. There is currently 31 projects listed. If you are building anything on $DEGEN/Degen chain respond to Wake's cast here.

  3. More integrations: Both @matchaxyz and @brritoxyz announced integrations with Degen chain. Matcha released a great blog on $DEGEN and officially announced upcoming integration with Matcha/Degen frames coming soon. Brrito allows you to deposit ETH/USDC and passively earn $DEGEN. View their product here.

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