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🎩 Daily $DEGEN 🎩

Newsletter #81

  1. View Quality Tips Received: As claim day approaches, some users tips are being disqualified. This means the points you currently have may not be accurate. This is a great Dune dashboard by @rjs. The dashboard allows you to search any user and find their total amount they've been tipped, but also the amount of tips that have been disqualified and the percentage of amount tipped to disqualified tips.

  2. ProxySwap Degen L3: Today /proxyswap announced that the will be using $DEGEN to incentivize people participating and staying on Degen chain. Full details haven't been announced but @proxystudio.eth hinted that people that bridge via @starta, swap and provide liquidity on ProxySwap and hold those assets on Degen L3 could be rewarded with $DEGEN.

  3. Mint NFTs Earn $DEGEN: @eic.eth (Ethereum Investors Club) is telling stories of Ethereum through onchain magazines. They are currently selling NFTs on @layer3xyz and giving out over 3M $DEGEN (~$81,000) in rewards. Find their collection here and buy to earn $DEGEN.

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