DEGEN PARTY: The first (but not last) Farcaster DEGEN party was held in Madrid, Spain. Hosted by @especulacion they party had 20+ attendees. POAP's for the event can be found here.
Tip allowance update: @Jacek pushed a major update to fix a glitch that showed 0 tip allowance. The new algorithm includes quality parameter updates. Expect a new Degen leaderboard soon. To see your allowance visit

$DEGEN frames of the day: 1. $DEGEN Juicebox by @jpfraneto. Queue music and bid with $DEGEN to have songs played.

More $DEGEN integration: 1. @boostxyz now supports $DEGEN incentivizing more onchain actions and rewarding users in $DEGEN. An example of this would if there was an action to mint Degen themed NFT that included a boost, the minter would not only receive the NFT but also $DEGEN. 2. In Frame swaps created by @Degenfi and @hot. The Frame by DegenFi allows users to swap between USDC, WETH and DEGEN via UniSwap. @hot frame allows you to approve any transaction (such as buying $DEGEN) using an external wallet.
Great project
$DEGEN NEWSLETTER #3π©-daily-degen-π©
1000 $DEGEN
1010 $DEGEN
another big day
100 $DEGEN