The State of Web3 Developer Joy 2024 Report
It's here - "The State of Web3 Developer Joy 2024" Repor How 55 Web3 Projects are delivering "Developer Joy" through Education, Tooling, Community and Enablement.
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The Protocol Press #1 - gm edition
babe wake up, the 2024 Developer Joy Awards are here!
Measuring Hackathon - Part 1
Protocol Press #2 - Funding Open Source, Decoding ZK and Making Moves
Maybe you just started a new DevRel role and want to make a hackathon plan to impress your founder. Maybe you are in charge of marketing and you are trying to win developer's hearts and you heard devs love hackathons. Maybe you are in a telegram group of DevRels and it's gone too quiet so you ask the age-old question: HOW DO YOU MEASURE HACKATHON ROI? (Return on Investment for the non biz folks) As a hackathon anthropologist, dev, and spreader of developer joy, I am here to answer that for yo...
gm frens, i decided to put together a little award show to give out flowers to some of the best developer content i have seen this year. check out the video.
gm, welcome to the 2nd edition of The Protocol Press. Fortunately for you, i ducked, dived, and dodged all those BD-related tweets to fin...
gm,welcome to the first edition of the Protocol Press!Like any good newsletter intro, I feel the need to explain Why the Protocol Press?After a very ...
Developer Joy Digest
Less Hype, More Joy