Mostly short daily posts on art, tech, and life—ideas still taking shape as I meditate on them. Expect them to evolve over time as I learn and grow. Find me on Farcaster and X too.

Our inner critic is protecting us

I'm beginning to understand that our inner critics, rather than being harsh adversaries, might actually be trying to protect us. This realization has reshaped how I engage with that critical voice.

Some view their inner critics as enemies—voices that only serve to undermine their confidence. However, through reflection and guidance, we can learn that these voices often emerge from a place of fear or concern. It’s as if the inner critic is trying to shield us from potential failures or disappointments by pushing us to do better or by warning them against perceived risks.

Reinterpreting this voice requires a shift in perspective. Instead of battling or suppressing it, one can approach it with curiosity and compassion. By asking why this critical voice is speaking up—what it’s afraid of or trying to protect—we can often realize that our inner critic is echoing past experiences or warnings, trying to keep us safe based on old patterns.

This doesn’t mean allowing the inner critic to dictate actions, but by understanding its protective intentions, we can engage with it more constructively. Rather than feeling paralyzed by its negativity, we can acknowledge its concerns, address them, and move forward in a way that feels more balanced and less self-defeating.

For those of us whose inner critics have been especially loud lately, it’s worth taking a moment to explore the intentions behind the criticism. Beneath it, there might be a misguided attempt to protect, and with some patience and understanding, that inner dialogue can become more supportive.

#mental health#advice#life

PEDs for the knowledge worker

Some think AI is as transformative to human industry as the industrial revolution was to the agrarian economy. But I see this as more science fiction than fact.

It does enhance knowledge work, acting as a performance booster, but it won't replace human creativity.

Personally, I find that AI complements my cognitive speed, freeing up bandwidth for deeper exploration and creative thinking.

The changes this tech brings will be significant yet gradual, reshaping industries while human contributions remain an essential part.

Thoughtful use of AI will drive innovation, but human creativity remains crucial.

#ai#artificial intelligence#advice#career#tech

Creativity within boundaries

Creativity doesn’t always require total freedom.

There are times being creative within a framework is just as effective, helping to achieve specific goals and solve problems.

As a designer, I've learned that rules can enhance creativity by providing structure that guides and refines it.

Of course, there are times when open, boundary-free creativity is essential, like during brainstorming or innovation sessions.

The key is knowing when to use each approach.


Maps and journeys

Generic advice can feel out of touch especially when faced with real-life challenges. But the advice itself isn’t the problem—it’s just a map.

And while someone's map can guide us, our journey is unique and filled with unpredictable obstacles.

Success doesn’t come from just following someone's map. It comes from going through the journey, overcoming difficulties, and staying resilient.

Knowing what to do is one thing; actually doing it is another.

#advice#life#mental health