An exploration into how AI can unlock more time in a day, reducing the wealth gap by commoditizing our most precious and finite resource: time.
Self interview #4. Farcaster Frames, smart contract security, learning Next.js, the compounding value of a simple morning routine, and being gentle with yourself.
Joining the community of builders on Farcaster to work on a platform that facilitates something we all need more of: human connection.
Self interview #3. FarCaster, building my first product, a difficult client, starting a poster design challenge and creating my first NFT.
Self interview #2. The lesbian bar scene in Montreal, the struggle of letting go of an idea, fabric pleats, and things that feel like home.
Welcome to the first edition of my self interview series, where each week I'll be asking myself the same 5 questions to see how I change and grow throughout the year.
Have you ever dismissed something outright, only to find it holds the very answers you've been seeking? I did, and my skepticism led me on an unexpected journey...
"Jack of all trades, master of none" is not a bad thing to say of someone. In fact, it's probably one of the nicer things you can say.