Eureka Street Creative
At last, my final DAO Punks Cohort_4 weekly update. Take risks. Take responsibility. Take care of your community. Be onchain, and help other what it means to be onchain.
Consensus creates reality. Consensus is reality. Relationships are the spark to that reality and create life.
Ashes to vinyl. A personal blog entry on permanence. This week has been a difficult week but a super busy one. I published two episodes of my Crypto Sapiens AI...
Have You Seen Him? Innovation is never static. It always moves and is like The Search for Animal Chin. Johnny Rad says in the movie, “If you look too ...
Where do Punks Work?Where do punks tend to work? From my experience, I have generally seen punks work at pizza places, sandwich shops, at the door o...
Origins Wassup! I’m Eureka John. First of all, thank you to all the DAOPunks for allowing me to participate in the DAOPunks Cohort_4.