I wanted to make a cool introduction to myself, but I realized this post is most likely to be read by people who already know me.
Basically I am a designer, an artist, I code, draw, play with vectors, watercolors, 3D modeling and with a guitar... I enjoy experimenting with AR and AI. And on top of that I am a mom 24/7.
I started my crypto journey on late 2016 when I bought some BTC for what actually was a ponzi fraud... glad my journey didn't end there and I continued investigating about crypto. I minted my first NFT on 2019, and still haven't found another mexican woman who's minted an NFT before I did (so probably I was the first one).
I hope to create good content here, so if you are interested on art, AI, AR, coding, design, and more crazy things that come to my head... make sure to subscribe because I will be sharing here everything I know that I find useful and everything new I learn, since I believe on sharing knowledge.
Also I plan to share art, WIPs, behind the scenes and maybe even some haiku and, why not? some actual life-blog entries.
NGL, writing about me is hard, so I will let my future content speak for myself. Stay tuned!