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What is and how to make the most out of it.

Wildcard is a mobile-first social decentralized exchange (DEX) with a sleek design and functionality aimed at helping users identify, support, and align incentives with people they believe in. It allows you to buy fractional tickets (think meme coin/token) of any profile on Farcaster.


Here's what your "Feed" looks like (the first screen you will see once you sign up). It has the regular social app look. You can tip other users directly inside Wildcard via the "TIP" button or comment on the amount of WILD you want to tip. If you are wondering where the TIP comes from, everyone gets a daily 2000 TIP allocation. Fairs :) You can also filter what's in your Feed by clicking the drop-down beside the search icon to see posts from your desired channels (not sure that's what it is called).

Activity tab

This tab works pretty much like any other activity tab, you can view the most recent activities like ticket sales on Wildcard. You can also check the sales/buys of power users and the people you are following. (I see this as an informal way of knowing what tickets to degen😅.)

The famous Tickets tab

Here you can see the trending tickets (I love to call them HOT CAKES, think tickets of people like @dwr.eth or @defikaran.eth or @jessepollak). Not only that, you can see the "upcoming tickets" and "top tickets" too. So if you missed out on the trending tickets before they became HOT, the upcoming and top tab is where you should be browsing for the next big HOT CAKE. I guess the recommendation tab houses the tickets that are recommended for you to buy. @defikaran.eth can help shed more light on how the recommendations are suggested, maybe recent activity?

Quick things to note

  • The daily allowance of 2,000 WILD points resets at midnight UTC daily.

  • 25% of the WILD tips received by a person are distributed among their ticket holders. So if I'm holding @dwr.eth tickets, I get to share 25% of his WILD tips with other people holding his tickets. Sweet right?

  • The market cap of profiles increases with ticket purchases. Ticket prices follow a bonding curve, starting linear and eventually becoming cubic. This allows tickets to behave like meme coins, remaining affordable even at high market caps. Just like the good ol' degen.

  • Buy/sell with caution :) Each buy/sell transaction incurs a 5% fee, split equally between the ticket owner and the protocol. This is very similar to how dApps built on some networks get a share of the gas.

  • Users can tip WILD points directly in the app and cast on Warpcast, earning WILD through various quests.

Points tab

The "Points tab" houses all your WILD balances; your allowance, tips received, tips given and the people you gave them to/received them from. You will also find "Quests" which you can complete to earn more WILD in this tab.

Wallet tab

It displays your account ETH balance, your ticket holdings, and your trades (previous buy/sell transactions you've performed on You can also fund your wallet/withdraw your balance by clicking 'Deposit' and 'Withdraw' respectively.

You'd notice this icon thingy (see arrow on the first image above). Click it and you'd go to your profile. Where you can find your WILD points, tickets, tips, and casts. You can also onboard your friends by sharing your invite code (mine is s6Uo4QfhHIQa).

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