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How to Develop a Daily Journaling Habit

Why Journal?

I start each day by writing for a few minutes while I drink my coffee. 

In the short term, journaling helps me make sense of my thoughts and feelings. In the long term, it gives me a window into memories I likely would have forgotten.

Despite how much I love it, I used to find journaling consistently quite challenging. I’d start a new journal with enthusiasm, then let weeks or months go by without writing again. For me, the biggest blockers were 1.) finding a convenient time to write and 2.) worrying about creating the perfect entry.

Here are the strategies that helped me create a consistent journaling habit:

  1. Find a journal that makes you excited to write

Is GSM important to you? Or a journal cover that matches your aesthetic? I think of my journal like an accessory since I bring it with me to most places. I love notebooks with bright colorful covers.

  1. Skip the first page

Perfectionism creeps in when I open a new journal and stare at the blank first page. Skipping the first page helps me to just start writing.

  1. Journal about anything and everything

Not every entry needs to be profound or goal-driven. Lists, stream of consciousness prose, doodles - all of it is journaling.

I write about the weather, the color of the light, how I’m feeling, what I expect my day to look like, and things I’m excited or anxious about. I write about the boring little details that don’t matter now but might be important to me later. I make lists of books read, places visited, and goals I’m setting. When I don’t feel like writing I draw doodles.

  1. Take your journal with you everywhere

This practice helped me discover that I love to write early in the morning. My favorite entries to re-read are the ones where I took out my journal in the most random places and wrote down a few thoughts.

4a. I recommend keeping your journal in a plastic bag when traveling to avoid mishaps like the time my journal ended up in a puddle of water on the floor of a rowboat.

Thank you for reading! Do you have any tips or strategies for journaling daily? I’d love to hear about them! :)

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