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Gloomers Launch Date, Mint Price & Whitelist

Launch Date We are thrilled to announce that the highly anticipated mint day for our GLOOMERS 10k PFP Collection is officially set for May 4th! Get ready to embark on an incredible journey into The Gloomiverse as we bring GLOOMERS to life.

Mint Price Mint price for our GLOOMERS collection will be 0.03ETH with the price of the other chains tethering to ETH. Example: ETH price = 3,152 / Sol price = 147... 0.03eth = 0.6425 SOL. The price is SOL will be determined by the value of ETH at the time of mint.

Whitelist To ensure a smooth and fair minting process, we're implementing a whitelist reservation system. Here's how it works: in order to reserve a whitelist spot, you'll need to hold 25k $GLOOM in your wallet. Each whitelist spot grants you access to mint (1) GLOOMERS NFT/Inscription during the whitelist mint. But wait, there's more – you can reserve up to (3) whitelist spots per chain, totaling (9) spots maximum.

Where Do I Secure My Whitelist Reservation? Our Whitelist reservation dApp is live, you can reserve your whitelist reservation at

I have a whitelist where can I mint? We're excited to announce that the whitelist mint will take place through a frame on Warpcast, providing a seamless and immersive experience for our community. And for those who miss out on the whitelist, don't worry – the public mint will be happening through our dApp, and the minting URL will be provided on the day of the mint and will link directly from our main website.

But that's not all – minting day coincides with the same weekend as FarCon, an exciting event that I'll be attending. It's the perfect opportunity to connect with fellow Gloomers, share our vision for The Gloomiverse, and celebrate this momentous occasion together.

We can't express how grateful we are for the incredible support and enthusiasm from the GLOOM community. Your passion and dedication inspire us every day, and we're committed to delivering an exceptional minting experience that exceeds your expectations.

So mark your calendars for May 4th, gather your $GLOOM tokens to secure your whitelist, and get ready to mint your very own GLOOMER.

Date: May 4th

Time: TBD

Mint Price: 0.03eth / 0.7sol

Location: /Gloomtoken Channel on Warpcast

Wallet Setup: We will be providing detailed guides on how to setup and fund your wallets for Base, Solana, and Bitcoin.

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