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GLOOMERS Mint Update


We want to start by expressing our sincere gratitude for your support and participation in the GLOOMERS mint. Your enthusiasm and engagement mean the world to us, and we deeply value your feedback.

After carefully reviewing the outcomes of the mint, we acknowledge that things didn't go as smoothly as we had hoped. We understand that our goals may have been a bit too ambitious, which caused us to come up short on delivery. We want to assure you that we are committed to addressing this situation head-on.

In light of the feedback received, we have made the decision to reset and refocus our efforts. Here's what you need to know about our next steps:

1. Refunds and Pausing Minting: Effective immediately we'll initiate refunds for all GLOOMERS minted on OP and SOL. Furthermore, we'll temporarily pause minting on these contracts. The funds from these contracts will be withdrawn and returned to minters. Please keep your GLOOMERS as a token of appreciation, and we invite you to join us on Base for Phase 1 of the Gloomiverse journey!

2. Focusing on One Chain at a Time: To streamline our operations and ensure a smoother experience, we will be focusing on one chain at a time, starting with Base. This will allow us to dedicate our resources more effectively and deliver a better overall experience to our community.

3. Airdrop for Whitelisted/Prepaid Participants: We recognize that since the collection did not mint out that there were no realized benefits for those who took the time to whitelist / prepay. We will be taking a snapshot this coming Friday May 10th and anyone that minted a whitelist or claimed a prepay will receive (1) FREE GLOOMER per wallet and a share of 1M $GLOOM token split between GLOOMERS minted.

4. Exciting Raffle Prizes: As a gesture of gratitude for your continued support, everyone who mints during this phase will be automatically entered into a raffle. We are thrilled to announce that we will be giving away the following prizes:


  • 500,000 $GLOOM

  • 10 Pill OG NFTs

  • 1M $PILL Token

We will draw the winners of these prizes after we have minted out our Base GLOOMERS collection. We are truly excited about the opportunity to reset, refocus, and deliver a valuable experience that exceeds your expectations. If you haven't minted a Base GLOOMER yet you can mint one here Thank you for being a part of the GLOOMERS journey. Together, we will continue to innovate and create in the ever-evolving world of crypto art.

Stay tuned for further updates and announcements.

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