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GM Farcaster: goodbye 2023

GM Farcaster weekly recap Dec 25-Dec 29, 2023

GM Farcaster

Welcome to the last GM Farcaster weekly recap for 2023. We only had one show last week and took a little time off for the holidays.

Next week, we are back to our regular three days BUT slight time change for Monday, January 1 -- we'll start at 11:30 am ET; Wednesday and Friday we'll be back to 8:30 am ET.

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Adrienne and NounishProf IRL meetup

We also had a GM Farcaster Team Retreat -- in other words, Adrienne and Prof had lunch! AND we strategized for 2024! Thanks for supporting the launch of GM Farcaster -- can't wait to see what we accomplish in 2024!

GM Farcaster episode 40, December 27, 2023