We have been ramping up ahead of FarCon and had a busy week -- so busy this recap is a day late (sorry) but jam packed! Last week we had four episodes, including a special interview with @july that was a whole different, more thoughtful energy. If you didn't catch it, check it out below along with our other three episodes last week.
We welcomed Matcha.xyz as a new CLP (Conversation Liquidity Patron) to the fam. Be sure to check out the Matcha channel on Warpcast, and look for a special Matcha nft this Friday in honor of this new partnership. Matcha aggregates 130+ DEXs to get you amazing prices on over 5 million tokens. Swap for free, swap without gas, or swap across chains - all in one place! Matcha.xyz: Search, trade, done.

This past weekend, on 4/20, we dropped our second Here for the Art piece by Chris Carella and it's a beauty! Taking from his recent work of retro futurism, it envisions podcasting in the 1950s. This piece was airdropped to all wowow Hypersub holders, plus @ccarella's Studio 2 hypersub, and our mole holders are on the allowlist to mint. This drop is exclusive and part of our Hypbersub subscriptions. Check your hidden files if you're not seeing it in your wallet. And look for the interview with Chris coming this week where he shares more about his artist journey.

Coming up this week, we have a show EVERY DAY with two special shows: Tuesday 8:30 am ET reliving FarCon 2023 with @grin and @cameron and Thursday with the FarCon 2024 team with @ted @mcbain @dylsteck and @heavygweit. You don't want to miss this fun!

GM Farcaster episode 89, April 15, 2024
Thank you to our premiere partner Pinata for sponsoring today’s show! Learn more about their dev tools for Farcaster Frames at Pinata.Cloud. https://www.pinata.cloud/
In this episode: guest cohost @toadyhawk of /yellow | images not loading | Bracket Game goes to the Masters | Pinata is hiring
GM Farcaster episode 90, April 16, 2024
Thanks to @july for joining us for this special chat where we covered everything from flying cards to notarizing on the blockchain. Links from our interview with @july:
@july: https://warpcast.com/july
/faust: https://warpcast.com/~/channel/faust
/july: https://warpcast.com/~/channel/july
GM Farcaster episode 91, April 17, 2024
In this episode: Infinite Possibilities on Highlight | Drakula expands to Degen L3 | Vitalik's list for a civilized society
GM Farcaster episode 92, April 19, 2024
Thank you to our new CLP – Matcha.xyz! Matcha aggregates 130+ DEXs to get you amazing prices on over 5 million tokens. Swap for free, swap without gas, or swap across chains - all in one place! Matcha.xyz: Search, trade, done.
In this episode: Did you see ghosts? | Priority ordering of replies | Should Farcaster have a CMO? | and Matcha joins the GMFC fam
And our musings elsewhere:
Learn more about sponsoring GM Farcaster:
About: https://paragraph.xyz/@adrienne/an-invitation-to-sponsor-gm-farcaster
Interest Form: https://app.deform.cc/form/bbd8c3b1-a67b-45c9-a568-39c6f38ec14a/
Adrienne: Some of the Things: Memory Ambush
FC Scenius Lexicon project:
And Adrienne’s Podcast – Four Old College Friends:
Nounish Prof: Unpacking with Prof: https://paragraph.xyz/@nounishprof
GM Farcaster recaps on Paragraph:
AND www.gmfarcaster.com is live along with a new GM Farcaster FAQ: https://paragraph.xyz/@adrienne/gm-farcaster-faq
AND our Hypersub is live! And wowow is sold out but we’re still serving mole!
All tiers: https://hypersub.withfabric.xyz/gmfarcasternetwork.eth
wowow: https://hypersub.withfabric.xyz/collection/gm-farcaster-cup-o-wowow-153tp348p8tfk
mole: https://hypersub.withfabric.xyz/collection/gm-farcaster-cup-o-mole-as1135ef0vsw
AND GM Farcaster is now available everywhere you get your podcasts including YouTube, Apple podcasts and Spotify!
Copyright 2024 cc-by GM Farcaster - reuse/remix allowed with attribution and link back to GMFarcaster.com.
NOTE: Cryptocurrencies are often volatile assets. Nothing in this episode should be considered financial advice and is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing should be considered investment advice, nor solicitation to buy or sell any assets. NFA, DYOR.
GM Farcaster weekly recap for last week out now. Yup a day late but jam packed! Subscribe below to receive it each week in your Inbox with all episodes embedded directly in the newsletter. (recommend read online option) https://paragraph.xyz/@gmfarcaster/gmfarcasterweekofapril15
Busy week for @nounishprof! Four new engaging episodes, including a special interview with @july. Welcomed Matcha.xyz as a new Conversation Liquidity Patron (CLP) and released an exclusive art piece by Chris Carella. Exciting shows lined up next week too! Tune in to join the fun.