3 tips for growing on Farcaster

How to grow faster on Farcaster

You created your Warpcast account, now what? How do you grow on Farcaster?

Tip 1 — import your social graph

If you already have a presence on a legacy social network like Twitter: announce that you are now on Farcaster and ask your followers to drop their Farcaster handles in the comments, you‘ll not only engagement farm but most importantly kickstart your social graph on Farcaster with people you already know creating a more interesting feed for you. 

Tip 2 — cast inside channels 

On average caste receive 300% more views, likes, recasts than casts without a channel. Which channels should you cast in? It depends - if you are starting out it’s best to find channels that receive less casts and to create high value-add casts inside them. A general tip is to be useful. 

Tip 3 — have fun 

Having fun is the best medicine for being successful on Farcaster. If you enjoy your time casting you‘ll be casting more. While more casts does not equal more success, casting regularly is an important criteria for growing on Farcaster. 

Bonus Tip

It's best to evaluate what works and what doesn't. Install Growthcast and get advanced analytics about your performing content right inside Warpcast.

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