How to block your FTs to increase your Far Score

It is very simple to do


Go to one of your cast and select the Moxie action

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Select the "Power" button.

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You have 2 options, you can lock the Fan Tokens you already have, or you can buy new ones and lock them. Here I will explain the first option. Therefore select the "Lock Existing" button.

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Now, browse through your holdings, and choose the FT you want to block. In my case, I selected a member's FT.

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Enter the amount you want to block and press the corresponding button (Wallet or Contract).

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In the next step, approve and confirm with your wallet the DEPOSIT and BLOCK operation of your FT.

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You're done, congratulations! You can now see how much your Far Score will increase with the block you've made. Share it with the "Share" button.

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Collect this post as an NFT.

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