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Summer Heroes Update

Adventure on the horizon

It's been a minute Heroes.

As we are nearing the end of summer, we've now seen the protocol running for a few months successfully. More Heroes continue to join the protocol, with rewards continuing to flow.

Heroes have proposed over 550 Heroglyphs blocks, with the protocol approaching 1000 Validator IDs.


Rewards were originally thought to have a time period for emissions based of a model for execution. As this model was lower than expected, the emissions schedule was altered to be a per execution model, to ensure adequate rewards went out to Heroes.

The following is a percentage for each of the remaining token supply to be minted with the latest emissions models:

MOLANDAK - 37.90%
LUEYGI - 48.34%
PORIGON - 88.39%
ARBINAUTS - 47.94%
69 - 92.64%
ONEPUNCH - 23.27%
SCRIBES - 59.39%
frxBULLAS - 65.87%
GNOBBY - 97.72%
GARFELDO - 9.53%
OogaBooga - 80.85%

These, and further statistics regarding the respective Genesis Keys and Tokens will be updated on the website front end soon, acting as a Dashboard for each.


The Icedrop (vested airdrop) is for those that minted the Genesis NFT’s. Originally, 1% of the total supply was reserved for minters. However after further evaluation, this will be altered to reflect a more favourable outcome. Do note, jeets will not be eligible. Icedrops are essentially a vested airdrop with a cliff. As mentioned before, a novel distribution method will be revealed to make things more interesting. Due to further development for the protocol, this has been delayed, but will take place in the next 2 weeks.


Along with the latest integration with RocketPool, EigenLayer's Pods are also supported by Heroglyphs. Further integrations are being evaluated, in particular Obol powered solutions with the primary focus of participants running hardware at home and lowering the cost to participate.

Yearn Vaults for some of the LP positions on Balancer have recently been created and staked into. LP's for KABOSUCHAN, PORIGON, MOLANDAK, and OogaBooga are now live and active. These Vaults compound the BAL, and then send the AURA to the multisig, which will be locked to increase voting power. Effectively, this will add buy pressure to the LP, and help grow the AURA votes flywheel for rewards.

Another interesting development is arising towards aligning with Stakers Union. They are a collective of home stakers helping identify and empower other stakers, while helping preserve decentralization. There is a lot of alignment between their mandate and what Heroglyphs has set out to do.

Read more on the Stakers Union, and how to get involved at

Upcoming Phases

Phase 3 was originally planned to already be released at this time. While testing and modelling out economic viability, we felt too many users involved were going to be left behind. Out of the 23,000+ Genesis Key minted, <5% of the users have been running Validators. Many people minted several more Keys than the recommended amount, and are unable to use them as they do not run a Validator. For those who are running Validators, many have been handsomely rewarded as was hoped and intended. As many of the minters of Genesis Keys haven't been able to participate in this experiment, we are updating Phase 3 to accommodate them.

Scaling and onboarding more participants is the sole focus for Phase 3. Ideally this will help attract more developers and fun games to be built within the Heroglyphs sandbox. One community that hasn't been able to catch a break lately is the NFT cohort, which has been responsible for a lot of the meme meta that emerged on networks like Solana & Base. We think that giving a taste of DeFi Summer to these participants with some interesting mechanics through the properties of Heroglyphs, this could be a great education path to onboard thousands of users. Full details to come as it get finalized in the coming weeks.

As we've seen the rise to a lot of speculation through memecoins and real world predictions, it seems that there is an appetite for guessing games. As validators are chosen randomly, it adds an interesting element to build on top of. A game mechanism design is underway as well which leverages the Heroglyphs stack, allowing for both Validators and speculators to participate in.

So while Heroglyphs did, and continues to explore ways to lower the barrier to entry for participants (Rocket Pool, EigenPods), so has the scope of how participation can take place. So Phase 3 has shifted to be far more inclusive and thus has taken more development resources than originally anticipated. First NFT minters and Discord Boosters have been tallied, and will be addressed at completion of Phase 3.

Needless to say, the kitchen is warm, and this will all be served very soon. Enjoy the last bit of summer Heroes. New adventures are on the horizon.








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