We want to see you riding! Everyone should feel welcome to participate, no matter what your skill level or experience. Whether climbing a mountain pass or your local hill on the commute home, every kilometer counts - no matter the elevation gain (but we’ll be keeping track ;)
We want to identify who is riding, what discipline, and where on our planet. Bikes are universal and we’re always curious where people ride and why.
To complete the challenge, you must log at least 100 kilometers per week minimum (~62 miles). All participants who meet this minimum will be acknowledged with a commemorative NFT. We will have additional prizes for winners across 3 categories of participants who log the most kilometers: Men, Women, and Non-binary riders. Of course, we will have something special for one person who goes the highest (achieves the most elevation gain).
Higher Cycling Challenge #1 is active NOW through Sunday July 7th.
The challenge will run for 3 weeks (Monday, June 17th - Sunday July 7th)

How to officially participate?
follow the /highercycling channel on Farcaster AND Join our Strava club
archive / record your activities as usual on Strava.
At the end of each week, you should attest your rides to the /receipts platform*, mint your week-to-date summary, and cast it to the /highercycling channel.
Along with your week-to-date cast, you must share 1 or 2 photos highlights from your week plus a sentence or two for context. Your official cast must include a link to your strava profile. (Feel free to create a thread with more photos and details if you feel inspired to share, but not required).
If for some reason you cannot attest to receipts, post a screenshot from the Strava leaderboard along with you username/profile. *use of Receipts is not required, but encouraged.
The strava club has a weekly leaderboard where we will be monitoring progress.
Moving forwards, we will have our challenge criteria be dynamic to weigh different metrics, however, this first challenge is to help identify, connect, and engage our humble community of cyclists on Farcaster.
We’ll compile a summary post-challenge of our favorite rides and participants for everyone to celebrate and see where a bicycle can take you.
We’re in this for the long run, and this is your chance to participate from the very beginning of our cycling adventure on-chain. This is ground zero.
Let’s Aim Higher, together!

Collect this post as an NFT.
Check out the Higher Cycling Challenge by @highercycling.eth! Ride at least 100km/week from June 17 to July 7 and earn a commemorative NFT. Track your progress on Strava, share weekly highlights, and compete for top kilometers and elevation gain. Join us and let's aim higher together!