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For the spirit of adventure and personal evolution.

Introducing Higher Cycling ↑

Higher Cycling is a space to celebrate perseverance and achievement on two wheels, however big or small. The very essence of cycling is one of aiming higher, to push forwards, to overcome your own mental limitations and evolve. ↑ is a natural fit for our discipline.

Higher Cycling is a central landing place for anyone who has been touched by the magic of cycling: a commitment to awareness, to being present, and of trusting yourself - a higher mindset. Riding a bike offers unrivaled autonomy and freedom, and we’re here to celebrate and proliferate this truth. Cycling is a gateway drug to adventure, deeper understanding of self, community connection, and of course the best means to immerse yourself in a place, plus so much more.

Following in the footsteps of what has been established through the creation of Higher Athletics, Higher Cycling aims to highlight inspirational stories, adventures, and achievements enabled by two wheels and extend ↑ grant opportunities for cycling activity exclusively - beyond just competition.

We aim for this space to become a journal of thoughts for a life on two wheels. Higher Cycling is an invitation to the community to elaborate on the stories of how cycling has touched their lives. What cycling means to you, grand and crazy adventures, the mindset benefits of cycling, the freedom a bicycle offers human beings - these and many more are suitable topics we want to lend voice to and prompt discussion of. Higher Cycling will begin to publish a newsletter of musings, stories, adventures, and more - and we want to hear from you.

Last but not least, we want to inspire you to get uncomfortable and push yourself to aim higher. Higher Cycling will establish formal challenges for the community to participate in collectively. Moving forwards, Challenges will be announced in our newsletters, so please subscribe and follow /highercycling for more details, and for how you can participate.

Please join our Strava Club, and details will be forthcoming this week for Challenge #1 on Farcaster.

To commemorate the establishment of Higher Cycling, we’ve created an ongoing collaborative collection that will contain artifacts that are aligned with our ethos, which you can mint here. Moving forwards, funds raised will go towards Higher Cycling granting initiatives.

Want to Contribute?

If you would like to support Higher Cycling and believe in our mission, anyone can send $HIGHER (or ETH, USDC) directly to our multisig on Base. (vault.highercycling.eth)

BASE Multisig Address: 0xcCc652CD5Cce51346327AcBb42D3f73678808a9D

The vault is 3/4 signatures between kugusha.eth, proxystudio.eth, poliberber.eth and cantstop.eth (cooper ray). 100% of crowdfunded contributions will go towards Granting Initiatives within Cycling, such as, but not limited to: adventure and race support, IRL community stewardship, and more.

This is the space for the cycling community to rally. We have some secret plans, so stay tuned.

La magia del ciclismo radica en su poder de conectar a la gente. La bicicleta es un puente que abre los corazones de las personas y fortalece los lazos comunitarios.  Al pedalear juntos, cultivamos un sentido de pertenencia que alimenta nuestro espíritu y enriquece nuestras vidas.

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