I'm Interested Vol.3

Signal >>> noise: new jobs, going purple, some press action + our best AMA yet!

Hi everyone, and welcome back to Vol. 3 of I'm Interested - our weekly newsletter to keep you updated with all things interesting re: jobs, hiring, and web3.

I’m Alec.eth 🤠 - the Chief Alec Officer of interested.fyi, a web3 hiring platform that helps teams find their next great hire through high-quality referral funnels. To learn more about the history of @interestefyi: check out our very first edition here

But TLDR; after my 5+ years of web3 recruiting - hiring in web3 still sucks. So, I'm on a mission to make hiring transparent, effective, and efficient. Don’t believe me? Create a profile as a recruiter or a candidate at interested.fyi to try us out! 

We have received over 550+ interests on our test Frames and over 195+ interests across all of our production Frames. We have had the honor to launch with our close frens @Optimism, @variant, @flashbots, @axiom and more.  And we’ve heard so much actionable feedback from candidates and recruiters alike - ty to all who have helped us get this far!

The theme for our iteration this week is signal over noise. How do we ensure teams get easy access to high-quality talent whilst ensuring talent can frictionlessly express interest/nominate?

We cover all of this and more , including our best AMA ever, new interested.fyi jobs, and our latest upcoming features in this issue.

But before you dive in, make sure to join /jobs on Farcaster to stay updated daily on the latest openings, referral bounties, and best talent in the market. We have over 6K+ casters posting everything from new roles to seeking advice on conquering the current job market. 

So without further ado, let's dive into all the interesting things happening @ interested.fyi and /jobs this week 🤠

Our Newest Jobs this week! 

It’s a new week, which means new friends are joining the @interestedfyi Family! We have over 32 ( that’s right, thirty-freaking two!) new roles from thirdweb, WalletConnect, SAFE, Fuzz.Land + more on interested.fyi. 

Check out the roles below to express your own interest or to nominate your talented friends. If you want to know how you do this both on FC and our web app, skim through last week’s issue. 

  1. ThirdWeb is growing like crazy 

So excited to welcome in thirdweb with over 21 jobs on interested.fyi! They are hiring across the board for Smart contract engineers, SWEs, PMs, and Customer Success. If you want to help builders go from 0-1, check out their page here. 

If you click on a role you like, you can express your own interest or refer to your peers. Make sure to fill out your interested.fyi profile so that you can get first in line during the application screen. 

  1.  Hot off the Press with @variant

We are back again from our partners @variant with the freshest role yet. Variant Fund is one of the leading VCs in consumer crypto and is looking for an onchain marketing experimentooooor.

If you love FC, are chronically onchain, and know how to strategically grow communities, nominate yourself with the frame below. If you have a talented marketing fren who is a power user of FC + Zora - make sure to nominate them by adding their FC user ID to the Frame. 

  1. WalletConnect: Primitive for all Web3 wallets 

If you love working interoperability + Cloud infra + are a JS Wizz, check out WalletConnect’s latest posting for a Senior JavaScript Engineer. Express interest or nominate your friends on the Frame below. If you aren’t on FC, head to the WalletConnect page here to find their latest openings to express interest/nominate 

  1. SAFE Ecosystem Lead 

SAFE is hiring for an Ecosystem Lead based out of Lisbon/Berlin/Zug. If you're in CET, love EVM, and can’t stop thinking about Account Abstraction, this Frame is for you! Refer yourself or your Web3 european frens to work @ SAFE with the Frame below.

  1. Fuzz.Land is hiring a PM
    Love Blockchain Security? Fuzz.land is hiring a superstar PM to guide their engineering team to success in SaaS. If you have a penchant for auditing, consider applying by clicking “I’m interested” or refer your friend's FC’s handle on the Frame here.

Signal over Noise 

We are moving fast and breaking fast. This past week, a big need from teams was how to filter qualified candidates from all the interests and contact them directly. 

We have thought of solving this problem from two sides:

1.  Ensure Onboarding via the Frames

If an FC user comes across our Frames and clicks “I’m interested”’ or nominates their friends, they will be prompted to complete onboarding and fill out their profiles, so recruiters can get the best context. 

2. Admin views with easy filters and scheduling. 

We want to empower teams to manage their recruiting process in their own ways. We will be rolling out our hiring admin views to our partners. Here’s what you will be able to do with your own portal: 

  • Fill out your company profile 

  • View a dashboard full of total interests, interests per job, and nominations 

  • Filter qualified candidates with completed profiles on interested.fyi 

  • Send out your/hiring team’s calendly directly to candidates 

Iteration means ruthless prioritization. As we roll out more features, we will receive more info/data on how to improve and prioritize our resources effectively. 

If you are a team who is hiring for 2024 and want your own Frames + admin portal; reach out to alec.eth on FC or @Chipagoesfinest on X - and I can get you started in < 30 minutes. Your feedback will be crucial for our upcoming sprints. 

Pro Tip: 

@interestedfyi is all about making high-quality connections between talent and teams. To ensure that your profile is prioritized and to maximize your chances of success. 

  1. Make sure to complete your profile on our web app interested.fyi. This ensures that recruiters get the full context on who you are, whether you express interest on our website or via a FC Frame. It really maximizes your chances of hearing back from the team. 

  2. Make successful nominations by providing adequate context about your frens' qualifications. This boosts your reputation,  makes future referrals highly valued and makes your eligible for bounties if successful. Here’s a good example:

Purple is the new Black 🟪

We have just submitted @interestedfyi for a Purple Retroactive Grant! Purple DAO is the first DAO on FC with the goal to proliferate + expand the Farcaster protocol. S/o to @ccarella, our Purple Godfather + FC OG for starting this movement. 

Check out our proposal here on Prop House. We love building for the FC community but have been 100% bootstrapped so far. Retroactive funding would help us not only pay our infra bills but also contribute to open referral bounty posts for future jobs. 

Voting starts on Feb 15th and runs till Feb 21st! If you are a 🟪 holder or have friends who are a part of PurpleDAO - please spread the word, cast your votes, and help us get to our next chapter 🙏

Look Ma! We are in the News!

Huge thank you to Decrypt for featuring @interestedfyi Frames alongside our heroes @cookie @bountycaster @onFrame Chess and more. We love the love and are motivated to make our Frames the best in class for talent and hiring teams 🙏🏼

We hit 6k casters on /jobs! 

The road to 10K never looked better 

Wowow we just hit 6k+ casters over the weekend.🎉

When I first started out this year on FC, my goal was to reach 5K followers on the /jobs channel by December 2024. It is barely mid-February and we are already 60% of the way to 10K+ followers! 

My philosophy with community building and managing is to always give more than you ask. 

Since I became the host of /jobs, here are some ways of providing value that’s helped me:

  • AMAs with top hiring managers, recruiters + VCs 

  • Sharing my journey + experiences 

  • Sharing resources around career advice, salary expectations  negotiations 

  • Actively moderating and having firm guidelines for /jobs 

We are so excited to have over 6K in the /jobs family! I still can’t believe in the last 4 days, we have had 500+ new casters join our little corner of the internet. Here'a little peek on where we were 2 months ago.

Welcoming Nichanan Kesonpat from 1kx 

Our latest AMA may be our best guest yet!  We have had the privilege to host Nichanan Kesonpat, aka @nich, from 1kx Network.

In case y’all didn’t know, 1kx network is a premier VC fund in web3. They always produce the most comprehensive research pieces, conduct onchain experiments, and are some of the first to bet on gaming + consumer crypto. Needless to say, they are an army of tastemakers. 

Nich has had an amazing career that in some ways parallels my own - except that she is an absolute all-rounder. Here’s a little spiel on her background: 

  • Tech recruiter at Instacart in SF

  • Technical blog on crypto which got her started in web3

  • Learned Solidity and fullstack dev to do an NFT project in 2018

  • Freelanced 2-3 years as a dev

  • Platform, Writing & research at 1kx for the past 2.5 years

    1. What are some lessons you took from recruiting to VC?

      "At the start of my recruiting career I gave a lot of weight to things like Tier-1 schools/companies when looking at a candidate's background. While these give signal, some of the best hires didn't even go to school or did something like fix a major undiscovered bug in an OSS project. Not saying education isn't important, but the traditional system gives us a narrow view of what a high-potential person looks like, so it's best to keep biases in check when evaluating candidates.”

    2. My best full stack moment as a dev:

      "My 0-1 moment in web3 dev was doing a project for consensys' bootcamp where I built a fantasy football game on Ethereum 😅 I had the best time because I was building something I wish existed at the time, my few weeks working on that laid the foundation for my freelance roles."

    1. How to develop writing as a habit: 

    • Start writing without explicit intentions to publish. 

    • Develop a habit of actively engaging with the information you consume, and challenge it instead of taking it at face value.

    • Develop a good amount of ideas + content to help you formulate an opinion. 

    • Polish and publish last.

@nich is a treasure trove of sound career advice on how to take strategic bets early on in your career. Catch her full AMA here to level up your knowledge on web3, writing and supporting founders.

Whew! We are almost at the end 

If you have come this far in the newsletter. I personally thank you. I’ve tried to keep these newsletters short but there is so much exciting stuff happening every week, and I just want to share it all.

If you have skipped to this section, I applaud you for working smart :) 

Either way, here’s the TLDR on how to become a true tastemaker this week 😀

  1. Check out 32+ new jobs from @thirdweb @WalletConnect @SAFE+ more on interested.fyi

  2. Join our community of 6K+ founders, builders, candidates and VCs on /jobs in FC

  3. Read up on our latest feature in Decrypt <3

  4. Show us some love + votes Feb 15-21st on Purple DAO’s Retroactive Round 

  5. Fill out your profile on our web app and make sure to give more context when nominating 

  6. Deep dive into @nich’s AMA + career journey 

  7. Become our power user by posting your open roles with our Frames + get early access to our hiring admin view 

Thank you again for another amazing week at interested.fyi. It’s time for me to get back to work, but my DMs and DCs are always open if you are looking for career support or want to post your open roles on @interestedfyi.

Make sure to subscribe to I'm Interested so that you can keep up with our latest job openings, get connected to hiring teams faster, and keep a pulse on web3's hottest talent. Until next week, stay interested !

Alec 🤠

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